C.R.S. Section 33-4-116
Big game hunting licenses

  • auction or raffle
  • use of proceeds
  • rules


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The division is authorized to issue up to two either-sex rocky mountain bighorn sheep licenses, two either-sex rocky mountain goat licenses, two either-sex shiras moose licenses, four either-sex mule or white-tailed deer licenses, four either-sex rocky mountain elk licenses, and four either-sex pronghorn licenses each year through a competitive auction or raffle.


A nonprofit organization directly involved in the conservation of wildlife in Colorado or the division may be authorized by the commission to conduct the license auction or raffle. All such auctions and raffles shall be conducted pursuant to Colorado law.


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Except as specified in this subsection (2), all proceeds from the auction or raffle of rocky mountain bighorn sheep, rocky mountain goat, and shiras moose licenses shall be used by the division for the benefit of rocky mountain bighorn or desert sheep, rocky mountain goats, and shiras moose in Colorado, and all proceeds from the auction or raffle of mule and white-tailed deer, rocky mountain elk, and pronghorn licenses shall be used by the division for the benefit of mule and white-tailed deer, rocky mountain elk, and pronghorn in Colorado.


If an auction or raffle is conducted by a nonprofit organization, the organization may retain up to twenty-five percent of the proceeds of the auction or raffle to cover auction or raffle costs and to fund projects of its own choosing that benefit wildlife in Colorado.


The proceeds from the auctions and raffles shall be in addition to any moneys otherwise provided for the management of rocky mountain bighorn or desert sheep, rocky mountain goats, shiras moose, mule and white-tailed deer, rocky mountain elk, and pronghorn.


The commission may promulgate rules pertaining to auction and raffle licenses, the conduct of the auctions and raffles, record-keeping requirements, the expenditure of proceeds, including requiring consultation by the division with advisory committees comprised of representatives of the participating nonprofit organizations prior to the expenditure of any proceeds, and any other rules necessary to implement the auction and raffle program.

Source: Section 33-4-116 — Big game hunting licenses - auction or raffle - use of proceeds - rules, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-33.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

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Current through Fall 2025

§ 33-4-116’s source at colorado​.gov