C.R.S. Section 35-25-102

As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:


“Advisory committee” means that committee appointed by the commissioner pursuant to the provisions of section 35-25-104.




“Apiary” or “beeyard” means a hive or hives of bees in close proximity to one another.




“Beekeeper” means any person producing or causing to be produced bees or bee products.


“Bees” means honey-producing insects of the genus apis, including all life stages.


“Beeswax” means the wax produced by the honeybee.




“Brood” means bees in any stage of development preceding emergence as adults.


“Certificate of inspection” means a document issued by the commissioner indicating the health conditions of the colony or apiary.


“Colony” means one group of bees established in a place acceptable to said bees for the rearing of young and the storage of honey.


“Comb” means any structure acceptable to bees for the storage of honey and pollen and the rearing of brood.


“Commissioner” means the commissioner of agriculture.


“Contagious disease” means any disease produced by disease agents or parasitic agents to bees or beekeepers which shall be determined by the commissioner as being hazardous to the beekeeping industry in this state.


“Entry permit” means a document issued by the commissioner permitting entry of bees, equipment, or appliances into the state of Colorado, accompanied by a health certificate from the originating state indicating the number of colonies and county of destination.


“Equipment” means any object that is attached to or made a part of a hive.


“Frame” means any device designed to receive single sheets of wax foundation and in which bees are encouraged to draw comb.


“Hive” means any structure containing bees and designed to receive movable frames of comb.


to (18) Repealed.


“Person” means any body politic, individual, partnership, association, corporation, company, joint stock association, or organized group of persons whether incorporated or not and includes any trustee, receiver, or assignee. “Body politic” means any agency of this state or of the federal government or any unit of local government including any county, city, town, school district, local improvement or service district, special district, or other governmental unit having authority under the law to tax or impose assessments, including special assessments.

Source: Section 35-25-102 — Definitions, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-35.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 35-25-102’s source at colorado​.gov