C.R.S. Section 35-26-103


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Except as otherwise provided in this section, premises in this state on which nursery stock is kept for sale or offered for sale and all areas in this state that are sources of collected nursery stock may be inspected by the commissioner or the commissioner’s authorized agents using a risk-based approach. If any person requests an inspection of crops, plant material, or other articles or premises for pests, the commissioner shall provide such inspection and issue a certificate setting forth the facts of said inspection. Inspections may also be made by the commissioner or the commissioner’s authorized agents at any time deemed appropriate by the commissioner based on information known to the commissioner or based on any complaint received by the commissioner alleging failure to comply with any provision of this article or any rule promulgated pursuant to this article.




No person shall sell in this state any nursery stock except from sources available for inspection.


The commissioner may promulgate rules establishing minimum standards for the qualification of individuals who are authorized to make inspections as agents of the commissioner under this article and who are not employees of the department. The commissioner may charge an annual fee for qualifying such individuals as inspectors pursuant to this subsection (3). Such fee shall be in an amount sufficient to defray the costs of qualifying inspectors pursuant to this subsection (3).


On an annual basis, the commissioner shall make public the results of such inspections in order to inform the public as to the major sale sources of nursery stock found not to be of the quality permitted to be sold, and the location where such nursery stock was offered for sale. Publication of such reports shall be as provided for in sections 35-1-107 (3) and 24-1-136, C.R.S.

Source: Section 35-26-103 — Inspections, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-35.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 35-26-103’s source at colorado​.gov