C.R.S. Section 35-5-108
Control or eradication methods and procedures

  • notice
  • assessments
  • protests


The county pest inspector shall give notice by radio, newspaper, or any other means of communication to the owner, lessee, agent, or occupant of any lands within a district on which noxious weeds, insect pests, or plant diseases are found, advising them of their presence and naming the noxious weed, insect pest, or plant disease, giving both common and scientific names. Such notice shall specify the best available methods of controlling or eradicating such noxious weeds, insect pests, or plant diseases and shall require that such methods be used for control or eradication thereof. Failure to receive such notice shall not constitute a defense to the assessment of a lien against the property, as provided in this section, for the expense for the control or eradication of such pests.


In case any such landowner, lessee, agent, or occupant refuses to comply with the requirements of the county pest inspector for the control or eradication of such noxious weeds, insect pests, or plant diseases, or causes the same to be done, it is the duty of the inspector to provide access to sprayers or other equipment needed and to enter upon such lands with the approval of the board of county commissioners and, as provided in this article, to effect the control or eradication of such noxious weeds, insect pests, or plant diseases.


Upon completion of the work, the board of county commissioners shall notify or cause to be notified said landowner, by certified mail, at the address shown on the records of the county assessor, or by one publication in a newspaper having general circulation within the county, as to the amount due, furnishing an itemized statement of the expense of the treatment of such noxious weeds, insect pests, or plant diseases (the amount paid the inspector shall not be included), and stating that, if the amount of said statement is not paid to the county treasurer of the county wherein the real estate is located within thirty days from the date of said notice, the amount thereof will be assessed as a lien upon said real estate, but no lien shall be in excess of the valuation for assessment of said real estate.


If any landowner within the district is dissatisfied with the itemized statement of expense, he may, within thirty days from the mailing or publication of the account showing such charge, file a written protest with the board of county commissioners. Not later than ten days after the filing of such protest, the board of county commissioners shall fix a time and place for hearing on the protest filed, to be held not less than ten days nor more than thirty days from the date of notice of the hearing, and immediately after such hearing the board of county commissioners shall make written findings and such changes in the assessment as may be determined to conform with such findings.


A copy of said final statement of expenses shall be filed with the county assessor. If the amount of the statement is not paid within thirty days of said notice or if a protest is filed, within thirty days after the findings or determination of such protest, the county assessor shall extend the amount upon the assessment rolls, and said assessment shall thereon become a part of the general taxes and constitute a lien against the entire contiguous tract owned by such person of which the portion so treated is all or a part. The assessment shall thereafter become due in the same manner and be collected in the same manner as the general ad valorem property tax; but not more than five percent of the total valuation for assessment of the entire contiguous tract of land of which the portion so treated is all or a part shall be spread on the tax rolls against said land in any one year. Any amount in excess of the five percent limitation and remaining unpaid may be carried over and charged on the tax roll of the succeeding years, and any unpaid balance so carried over shall bear interest at the rate of six percent per annum until paid. All of the provisions of the general laws for the enforcement of the collection of taxes shall be applicable thereto after the extension by the county assessor. Such assessments may be paid in full at any time before general taxes become due and payable.


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Upon completion of the work, the board of county commissioners shall notify or cause to be notified said lessee, by certified mail, at the address shown on the records of the state board of land commissioners, or by one publication in a newspaper having general circulation within the county, of the amount due, furnishing an itemized statement of the expense of the treatment of such noxious weeds, insect pests, or plant diseases (the amount paid the inspector shall not be included), and stating that, if the amount of said statement is not paid to the county treasurer of the county wherein the leased property is located within thirty days from the date of said notice, the amount thereof will be assessed as a lien upon any improvements located upon the leased property and owned by the lessee. The county shall institute civil proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction to recover the amount of the assessment. In the event the value of said improvements is less than the amount of the assessment, the county may recover the difference by execution on such personal property of the lessee that is not exempt, as provided by law.


If any lessee within the district is dissatisfied with the itemized statement of expense, he may file a written protest with the board of county commissioners as provided by subsection (4) of this section.


A copy of the final statement of expense shall be filed with the county assessor. If the amount of the statement is not paid within thirty days of said notice or if a protest is filed, within thirty days after the findings or determination of such protest, the county assessor shall extend the amount upon the assessment rolls, and said assessment shall thereon become a part of the general taxes and constitute a lien against any improvements located upon the tract and owned by the lessee. If a judgment in favor of the county is not satisfied as the result of execution on the property, the county shall seek to satisfy the judgment by levying upon any personal property held by the lessee which is not exempt, as provided by law.

Source: Section 35-5-108 — Control or eradication methods and procedures - notice - assessments - protests, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-35.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 35-5-108’s source at colorado​.gov