C.R.S. Section 35-5.5-108.7
State noxious weed advisory committee

  • repeal

(1)(a)(I) There is hereby created the state noxious weed advisory committee, referred to in this section as the “state advisory committee”. The state advisory committee consists of seventeen members. Fifteen members are appointed by the commissioner and serve without per diem compensation or expenses. Of the fifteen members:


At least one member represents private and public landowners or land managers;


At least two members represent weed management professionals from the federal, state, or local levels;


At least one member represents public or private weed scientists;


At least two members represent local governing bodies;


Four members must be agricultural producers, as defined in section 35-1-102; and


At least three members represent knowledgeable resource specialists or industries, including environmental organizations.


The remaining two members are:


One nonvoting member who is appointed by the Colorado department of transportation with the approval of the commissioner; and


One nonvoting member who is appointed by the department of natural resources with the approval of the commissioner.


Representation on the state advisory committee must reflect the different geographic areas of the state equally, to the greatest extent possible. Members of the state advisory committee that represent the various stakeholders and regions shall solicit input from similar stakeholders within each member’s area of expertise and region of the state. Members of the state advisory committee shall communicate the committee’s recommendations to the region and stakeholders represented by each member.


Staggered appointments shall be made so that not more than eight members’ terms expire in any one year, and thereafter appointments shall be for terms of two years each. Appointees shall be limited to two full terms each. Each state advisory committee member shall hold office until the expiration of the term for which such member is appointed or until a successor has been duly appointed.


In the event of a vacancy on the state advisory committee, the commissioner shall fill such vacancy promptly to allow a quorum of the state advisory committee to function.


The commissioner may remove any member of the state advisory committee for misconduct, incompetence, or neglect of duty.


A quorum of the state advisory committee shall elect or appoint annually a chairman and a vice-chairman.


A quorum of the state advisory committee shall be a majority of the members appointed to the state advisory committee.


The state advisory committee shall meet at least quarterly.


The state advisory committee shall make recommendations to the commissioner concerning the:


Designation of state noxious weeds;


Classification of state noxious weeds;


Development and implementation of state weed management plans;


Prescribed techniques for eradication, containment, and suppression of state noxious weeds; and


Management of noxious weeds on surface waters and public lands.


Recommendations of the state advisory committee shall be made by a majority vote of the members of the state advisory committee.


The state advisory committee shall periodically assess the progress made to implement the provisions of sections 35-5.5-104.5, 35-5.5-108.5, 35-5.5-108.7, and 35-5.5-108 (2)(a); measure the results and effectiveness of endeavors to eradicate, contain, and suppress noxious weeds within this state; and recommend to the commissioner ways to enhance statewide efforts to stop the spread of noxious weeds.


This section is repealed, effective September 1, 2034. Before the repeal, this section is scheduled for review in accordance with section 2-3-1203.

Source: Section 35-5.5-108.7 — State noxious weed advisory committee - repeal, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-35.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 35-5.5-108.7’s source at colorado​.gov