C.R.S. Section 35-66-105
Working group for long-term solutions for off-range horses

  • repeal


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A wild horse working group is created in the department. The wild horse working group shall identify and pursue:


Humane, nonlethal alternatives for wild horses that are taken off-range in Colorado or held in federal holding facilities, including:


A state wild horse preserve;


Wild horse sanctuaries or creative collaborations with wild horse sanctuaries; and


Opportunities for partnerships with the state, including programs created by the governor’s commission on community service, any department of corrections program, and any creative partnerships with state programs;


Opportunities for long-term care and management of nonfederal wild or unclaimed horses currently in Colorado; and


Partnerships and opportunities to ensure the success of adoptions and localized quality assurance when supporting adoption networks within Colorado.


The working group shall not consider outcomes that involve the creation of an easement or the transfer of land, grazing rights, or other similar private holdings if either is against the will of the landowner or grazing rights holder.


The wild horse working group consists of at least fourteen members, including the following representation:


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The governor shall appoint:


A representative of the governor’s office;


A representative of the department of natural resources;


A representative of the Colorado tourism office; and


A representative of the department of agriculture;


The majority leader of the house of representatives or the majority leader’s designee;


The minority leader of the house of representatives or the minority leader’s designee;


The majority leader of the house of representatives shall appoint:


Two representatives of nonprofit wild horse advocacy organizations;


A resident of the western slope; and


A nonprofit environmental conservation organization;


The minority leader of the house of representatives shall appoint:


Two representatives of the ranching and grazing permit holder community; and


A representative from each of the local on-range wild horse organizations that maintain memoranda of understanding with the bureau to conduct on-range activities;


The executive director of the department of natural resources shall appoint a representative of the state board of land commissioners; and


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The Colorado state director of the bureau may represent the bureau or may appoint a representative of the bureau;


The Southern Ute Tribe may appoint a representative of the tribe;


The Ute Mountain Ute Tribe may appoint a representative of the tribe; and


The region two regional forester of the United States forest service may appoint a representative of the United States forest service.


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Not later than one hundred twenty days after May 20, 2023, the appointing authorities shall appoint members to the wild horse working group in accordance with subsection (2) of this section.


The members of the wild horse working group serve without compensation from the state; except that members who are state employees may be compensated as state employees.


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The working group shall make recommendations to the governor and general assembly regarding solutions to the issues described in this section.


The working group shall attempt to make legislative recommendations by November 1, 2024, but shall make the recommendations by November 1, 2025.


The working group shall make recommendations not requiring legislative action and regarding solutions to the issues described in this section to the appropriate entity in a timely manner and include the recommendations in the annual report required in section 35-66-103.


This section is repealed, effective July 1, 2026.

Source: Section 35-66-105 — Working group for long-term solutions for off-range horses - repeal, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-35.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 35-66-105’s source at colorado​.gov