C.R.S. Section 36-5-111
Person not applicant may bid

  • when

Any person possessing the qualifications of an applicant, as defined in section 36-5-101, may bid at the sale of any state lands held pursuant to any law governing the sale thereof. If at the time of the sale the applicant pays all the costs thereof and deposits with the state board of land commissioners the additional sum of fifty dollars and declares in writing that he is so qualified and intends to purchase the lands in accordance with the terms of this article, he shall, if he is a successful bidder at said sale, be granted thirty days within which to furnish proof of his qualifications to purchase. If he, within thirty days, furnishes the proof of his qualifications in accordance with the provisions of this article, he shall be deemed to have purchased the land upon an application under the provisions of this article and shall be subject to all the benefits and limitations of an applicant under this article, and a certificate of purchase shall then issue to him. In such case he may also purchase, upon an application under this article, lands additional to those purchased at such sale sufficient to make the total value of land purchased by him, in accordance with the provisions of this article, seven thousand five hundred dollars. If proof of said bidder’s qualifications is furnished as provided in this section, said sum of fifty dollars shall be applied upon the purchase price of the lands. If proof of the bidder’s qualifications is not furnished within thirty days, there shall be a resale of the lands upon the signed application, and said deposit of fifty dollars shall be paid by the state board of land commissioners to the person who was the next to the highest bidder at such sale.

Source: Section 36-5-111 — Person not applicant may bid - when, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-36.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 36-5-111’s source at colorado​.gov