C.R.S. Section 36-7-201
Colorado state forest created

  • penalty


There is hereby created the Colorado state forest, to consist of a consolidated area of forest lands to be selected by the state board of land commissioners, through exchange with the United States government.


The state board of land commissioners shall be authorized to exchange school, university, penitentiary, internal improvement, agricultural college, or any other state lands, either within or without the United States national forest, for other lands of at least equal area and appraised value, for the purpose of this section.


The state forest lands, when so selected, from time to time, by formal resolution of the board, shall be set aside and sale of any parcel or part thereof prohibited. The withdrawal from sale of such lands shall be so designated upon the records and plat books of the board in accordance with this section.


The board is authorized with the administration of the state forest lands; the leasing of the same for grazing, agricultural, mineral, and all other purposes to secure the maximum rental and revenue therefrom; to provide for and extend the practice of intensive forestry for its preservation; to sell, cut, and remove timber therefrom in accordance with good forestry practice; and to provide for protection against fire hazard.


The board shall prescribe and issue rules and regulations for the administration and leasing of such lands and for the preservation, conservation, cutting, and sale of timber thereon; and for the improvement of such lands, the building of trails, roads, and otherwise, and for the expense thereof.


The general assembly shall, from time to time, provide for the necessary expense of the administration and improvement of the state forest lands, by an appropriation for the operation of the board.


Any person or corporation who shall trespass, commit depredations, or by negligence be responsible for any fires, or who shall cut or remove any timber from the state forest lands without authority so to do from the board, commits a class 2 misdemeanor.

Source: Section 36-7-201 — Colorado state forest created - penalty, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-36.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 36-7-201’s source at colorado​.gov