C.R.S. Section 37-2-105
Protesting petitions

  • hearing on petitions
  • organization of districts


At any time after the filing of a petition for the organization of a conservancy district and not less than thirty days prior to the time fixed by the order of the court for the hearing upon said petition and not thereafter, a petition may be filed in the office of the clerk of the court wherein the proceeding for the creation of said district is pending, signed by a majority of the owners of the land in said proposed district, protesting the creation of said district. Upon the filing of such protesting petition, it is the duty of the clerk of the court forthwith to make as many certified copies thereof, including the signatures thereto, as there are counties into any part of which said proposed district extends and forthwith to place in the hands of the county treasurer of each of such counties one of said certified copies.


Thereupon it shall be the duty of each of such county treasurers to determine from the last tax rolls of his county in his hands, and to certify to the said district court under his official seal, prior to the day fixed for the hearing, the total number of owners of the land situate in said proposed district within his county and the total number of owners of the land situate in such proposed district within his county who have signed said protesting petition, and such certificate shall constitute prima facie evidence of the facts so stated therein and shall be so received and considered by said court. Upon the day set for the hearing upon the original petition, if it appears to the court from such certificate, and from such other evidence as may be adduced by any party in interest, that the said protesting petition is not signed by a majority of the owners of land within the proposed district, the court shall thereupon dismiss said protesting petition and shall proceed with the original hearing as provided in articles 1 to 8 of this title.


If the court finds from the evidence that said protesting petition is signed by a majority of the owners of the land situate in the district, the court shall forthwith dismiss the original petition praying for the creation of the district. The finding of the court upon the question of the total number of owners of the land situate in said proposed district and upon the question of the number of the owners of the land situate in said proposed district signing said protesting petition, the genuineness of the signatures, and all matters of law and fact incidental to such determinations shall be final and conclusive on all parties in interest whether appearing or not.


At any time prior to the hearing by the court on the petition for the organization of any conservancy district extending into more than one county, or for the inclusion in any existing conservancy district of territory situate in a county no part of which is then in such district, the board of county commissioners of any county into which said proposed district extends, or the board of county commissioners of any county, territory of which is proposed to be included in any existing district, has the right to file, in the court wherein the petition for the organization of such proposed district or the proceeding for the inclusion of additional territory in any existing district is pending, a copy of a resolution of such board of county commissioners protesting against the organization of such district or the inclusion of such territory in an existing district, which copy of resolution shall be duly certified by the clerk of said board of county commissioners, and thereupon, unless said protest is withdrawn prior to the hearing, said court shall deny and dismiss such petition; but the board of county commissioners of any such county into which said proposed district extends, or territory of which is sought to be included in an existing district, shall be required to make and file such protest, if within the time specified a written request to do so, signed by a majority of the owners of the land lying within the part of said proposed conservancy district in said county, is filed with the clerk of said board of county commissioners.


If the board of county commissioners fails or refuses, upon the filing of such request, to protest against the organization of said district, and to file a certified copy thereof with the clerk of the court, then the court, upon petition, prior to such hearing, of any person or public corporation signing the request, or attorney or agent of any person or corporation signing such request, shall determine the sufficiency of such request so filed, upon notice by publication within said county, and hearing thereon, and if it is determined by the court that such request has the requisite signatures, the court shall enter an order in the same manner and effect as though a protest had been made and filed by the board of county commissioners.


Any owner of real property in said proposed district not having individually signed a petition for the organization of a conservancy district and desiring to object to the organization and incorporation of said district, on or before the date set for the cause to be heard, may file objections to the organization and incorporation of the district. Such objections shall be limited to a denial of the statements in the petition and shall be heard by the court as an advanced case without unnecessary delay.


Upon the said hearing, if it appears that a petition for the organization of a conservancy district has been signed and presented, as provided in section 37-2-102, in conformity with articles 1 to 8 of this title, and that the allegations of the petition are true, and that no protesting petition has been filed, or if filed has been dismissed as provided in this section, the court, by order duly entered of record, shall adjudicate all questions of jurisdiction, declare the district organized, and give it a corporate name by which in all proceedings it shall thereafter be known, and thereupon the district shall be a political subdivision of the state of Colorado and a body corporate with all the powers of a public or municipal corporation and shall have power to sue and be sued, to incur debts, liabilities, and obligations, to exercise the right of eminent domain and of taxation and assessments as provided in said articles, to issue negotiable bonds, and to do all acts expressly authorized and all acts necessary and proper for the carrying out of the purposes for which the district was created and for executing the powers with which it is invested.


In such decree the court shall designate the place where the office or principal place of business of the district shall be located, which shall be within the corporate limits of the district, if practicable, and which may be changed by order of court from time to time. The regular meetings of the board of directors shall be held at such office or place of business, but for cause may be adjourned to any other convenient place. The official records and files of the district shall be kept at the office so established.


If the court finds that no petition has been signed and presented in conformity with articles 1 to 8 of this title, or that the material facts are not as set forth in the petition filed, it shall dismiss said proceedings and adjudge the costs against the signers of the petition in such proportions as it deems just and equitable. No appeal or other remedy shall lie from an order dismissing said proceedings; but nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the filing of a subsequent petition for similar improvement or for a similar conservancy district, and the right so to renew such proceedings is expressly granted and authorized.


If an order is entered establishing the district, such order shall be deemed final and binding upon the real property within the district, and no appeal or other remedy shall lie therefrom, and the entry of such order shall finally and conclusively establish the regular organization of the said district against all persons except the state of Colorado, in an action in the nature of quo warranto, commenced by the attorney general within three months after said decree declaring such district organized as provided in this section, and not otherwise. The organization of said district shall not be directly nor collaterally questioned in any suit, action, or proceeding except as expressly authorized in this article.

Source: Section 37-2-105 — Protesting petitions - hearing on petitions - organization of districts, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-37.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 37-2-105’s source at colorado​.gov