C.R.S. Section 37-42-118
Bond election

  • ballots


After the plan specified in section 37-42-117 has been adopted, the board of directors may then call a district election for the purpose of voting upon the question of authorization and issuance of district bonds in an amount and in such series and dates of maturities, but none later than forty years from date of issue and bearing such interest not exceeding seven percent, as shall be first determined by resolution of said board. Notice of said election shall be given as in case of other special elections of irrigation districts, or such question may be submitted at a general election. At the time and place named in the call, the election shall be held and the question of the authorization of bonds, and any other matter named in the call, shall be submitted to vote of the landowners, who shall vote by ballot. On the ballots cast concerning the authorization and issuance of bonds shall appear a recital of the amount of bonds proposed, the series and dates of maturities, the rate of interest they shall bear, and, beneath such recital, the words “Bonds, Yes ....” and “Bonds, No ....”, with a cross marked opposite the words expressing the voter’s choice. Bonds shall not be construed to be authorized, and none shall be issued, except upon an affirmative vote of the majority of the total voting strength of the district.


If bonds are authorized, the board of directors shall immediately cause the same to be issued. They shall be in denominations of not less than one hundred dollars and not more than one thousand dollars and shall be in the total amount and in such series and dates of maturities and bear interest as authorized by vote of the landowners. All bonds so issued shall be numbered consecutively beginning with the number one, shall become due in the order of their serial numbers, shall bear interest payable semiannually evidenced by coupons attached thereto bearing the same number as the bonds to which they are attached, and shall be registered with the county treasurer of the county wherein is situated the office of such irrigation district, and it is the duty of the county treasurer to keep a list of such bonds, serially, with the names and addresses of the owners thereof, as furnished him from time to time. Such bonds may contain a provision for redemption upon call, serially, as provided in this article, shall be in such form as prescribed by the board of directors, and shall be signed by the president of the district, attested by the secretary thereof, and countersigned by the district treasurer. Such bonds may be issued and the proceeds of their sale used for the payment of the first two years’ interest thereon and for any of the several purposes of this article, except for maintenance, operation, or salaries.


If a contract is proposed to be made with the United States, the question to be submitted to the voters at such special election is whether a contract shall be entered into with the United States. The notice of election shall state the maximum amount of money payable to the United States for construction purposes, exclusive of penalties and interest, and the water rights and other property, if any, to be conveyed to the United States. The ballots for such election shall contain the words “Contract with the United States, Yes” and “Contract with the United States, No”, or words equivalent thereto.

Source: Section 37-42-118 — Bond election - ballots, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-37.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Petition for organization - schedule - bond
Date of hearing - notice
Preliminary report
Hearing - adjournments
Adverse report - investigations
Notice of organization meeting and election
Organization - meeting - voting
Directors - election
Directors to file map
Directors to organize - powers
Meetings of directors - notice
District elections - definition
Powers of district - loans for improvements - rules
Landowners - definition - evidence of ownership
Land board as landowner
Directors to adopt plans
Bond election - ballots
Additional bonds
Sale of bonds - notice
Bonds - assessments
Rescission of action authorizing bonds
Construction of works - bids - notice - contract - bond
Fiscal year - appropriation resolution
Assessment of lands - valuation
Levy to pay interest and expenses
Collection of assessments
Call of bonds - surplus fund
Payment of general expenses
Relief from bonded indebtedness
Exclusion of land from district
Inclusion of land in district
District to lease surplus water
Drainage of lands - surveys
Sale of surplus water - proceeds
Confirmation of organization and bonds
Dissolution of district - election
Districts organized after April 7, 1921
Ratification of irrigation district
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 37-42-118’s source at colorado​.gov