Definitions 37‑60‑102
Colorado water conservation board - creation 37‑60‑103
Organization 37‑60‑104
Personnel 37‑60‑105
Employment of temporary personnel 37‑60‑106
Duties of the board - legislative declaration 37‑60‑106.3
State water plan - legislative declaration - grant program 37‑60‑107
Meetings - notice 37‑60‑108
Seal - rules and regulations 37‑60‑109
Commissioner 37‑60‑110
Authority of commissioners under prior laws 37‑60‑111
Compensation of members - director - employees 37‑60‑112
Warrants for salaries and expenses 37‑60‑113
Board to cooperate with attorney general 37‑60‑114
Attorney general as legal advisor 37‑60‑115
Water studies - rules - reports - definitions - repeal 37‑60‑116
Reports 37‑60‑117
Reports and publications 37‑60‑118
Assent to water resources planning act 37‑60‑119
Construction of water and power facilities - contracts with and charges against users 37‑60‑120
Control of projects - contractual powers of board 37‑60‑120.1
Chatfield reservoir reallocation project - authority - repeal 37‑60‑120.2
Animas-La Plata project - authority - repeal 37‑60‑121
Colorado water conservation board construction fund - creation - nature of fund - funds for investigations - contributions - use for augmenting the general fund - funds created - rules - repeal 37‑60‑121.1
Reserved rights litigation fund 37‑60‑121.5
Loan guarantee fund - creation 37‑60‑122
General assembly approval 37‑60‑122.2
Fish and wildlife resources - legislative declaration - fund - authorization 37‑60‑122.3
Wild and scenic rivers fund - created 37‑60‑122.5
Emergency dam repair cash fund 37‑60‑122.7
Feasibility study small grant fund - creation 37‑60‑122.8
Publications fund 37‑60‑122.9
Colorado river recovery program loan fund - creation 37‑60‑123.1
Loan foreclosure fund - created 37‑60‑123.2
Flood and drought response fund - created 37‑60‑123.3
Water plan implementation cash fund - created - water plan implementation account - created - legislative declaration - reporting - repeal 37‑60‑123.5
Agricultural emergency drought response 37‑60‑123.7
Acquisitions of water for instream flows 37‑60‑124
Office of water conservation and drought planning - creation - powers and duties 37‑60‑124.4
Stream gauge fund - created 37‑60‑125
Authorizations for expenditures from Colorado water conservation board construction fund for demonstration of benefits of water efficiency 37‑60‑126
Water conservation and drought mitigation planning - programs - relationship to state assistance for water facilities - guidelines - water efficiency grant program - definitions - repeal 37‑60‑126.5
Drought mitigation planning - programs - relationship to state assistance 37‑60‑127
Applicability of provisions requiring funding by political subdivisions of the state 37‑60‑129
Availability of funds 37‑60‑130
Well augmentation loans 37‑60‑133
Minimum criteria and guidelines for agricultural water protection programs 37‑60‑134
Groundwater compact compliance and sustainability fund - creation - conservation district recommendations for expenditures - state engineer approval - legislative declaration - transfer - definitions - reports - notice to revisor of statutes - repeal 37‑60‑135
State turf replacement program - creation - administration - turf replacement fund - creation - legislative declaration - definitions
Definitions 37‑60‑102
Colorado water conservation board - creation 37‑60‑103
Organization 37‑60‑104
Personnel 37‑60‑105
Employment of temporary personnel 37‑60‑106
Duties of the board - legislative declaration 37‑60‑106.3
State water plan - legislative declaration - grant program 37‑60‑107
Meetings - notice 37‑60‑108
Seal - rules and regulations 37‑60‑109
Commissioner 37‑60‑110
Authority of commissioners under prior laws 37‑60‑111
Compensation of members - director - employees 37‑60‑112
Warrants for salaries and expenses 37‑60‑113
Board to cooperate with attorney general 37‑60‑114
Attorney general as legal advisor 37‑60‑115
Water studies - rules - reports - definitions - repeal 37‑60‑116
Reports 37‑60‑117
Reports and publications 37‑60‑118
Assent to water resources planning act 37‑60‑119
Construction of water and power facilities - contracts with and charges against users 37‑60‑120
Control of projects - contractual powers of board 37‑60‑120.1
Chatfield reservoir reallocation project - authority - repeal 37‑60‑120.2
Animas-La Plata project - authority - repeal 37‑60‑121
Colorado water conservation board construction fund - creation - nature of fund - funds for investigations - contributions - use for augmenting the general fund - funds created - rules - repeal 37‑60‑121.1
Reserved rights litigation fund 37‑60‑121.5
Loan guarantee fund - creation 37‑60‑122
General assembly approval 37‑60‑122.2
Fish and wildlife resources - legislative declaration - fund - authorization 37‑60‑122.3
Wild and scenic rivers fund - created 37‑60‑122.5
Emergency dam repair cash fund 37‑60‑122.7
Feasibility study small grant fund - creation 37‑60‑122.8
Publications fund 37‑60‑122.9
Colorado river recovery program loan fund - creation 37‑60‑123.1
Loan foreclosure fund - created 37‑60‑123.2
Flood and drought response fund - created 37‑60‑123.3
Water plan implementation cash fund - created - water plan implementation account - created - legislative declaration - reporting - repeal 37‑60‑123.5
Agricultural emergency drought response 37‑60‑123.7
Acquisitions of water for instream flows 37‑60‑124
Office of water conservation and drought planning - creation - powers and duties 37‑60‑124.4
Stream gauge fund - created 37‑60‑125
Authorizations for expenditures from Colorado water conservation board construction fund for demonstration of benefits of water efficiency 37‑60‑126
Water conservation and drought mitigation planning - programs - relationship to state assistance for water facilities - guidelines - water efficiency grant program - definitions - repeal 37‑60‑126.5
Drought mitigation planning - programs - relationship to state assistance 37‑60‑127
Applicability of provisions requiring funding by political subdivisions of the state 37‑60‑129
Availability of funds 37‑60‑130
Well augmentation loans 37‑60‑133
Minimum criteria and guidelines for agricultural water protection programs 37‑60‑134
Groundwater compact compliance and sustainability fund - creation - conservation district recommendations for expenditures - state engineer approval - legislative declaration - transfer - definitions - reports - notice to revisor of statutes - repeal 37‑60‑135
State turf replacement program - creation - administration - turf replacement fund - creation - legislative declaration - definitions