Section 37-69-101
Arkansas River compact
John Martin dam will be operated by the corps of engineers to store and release the waters of the Arkansas river in and from John Martin reservoir for its authorized purposes.(2)
The bottom of the flood control storage is presently fixed by the chief of engineers, U. S. Army, at elevation 3,851 feet above mean sea level. The flood control storage will be operated for flood control purposes and to those ends will impound or regulate the streamflow volumes that are in excess of the then available storage capacity of the conservation pool. Releases from the flood control storage may be made at times and rates determined by the corps of engineers to be necessary or advisable without regard to ditch diversion capacities or requirements in either or both states.(3)
The conservation pool will be operated for the benefit of water users in Colorado and Kansas, both upstream and downstream from John Martin dam, as provided in this compact. The maintenance of John Martin dam and appurtenance works may at times require the corps of engineers to release waters then impounded in the conservation pool or to prohibit the storage of water therein until such maintenance work is completed. Flood control operation may also involve temporary utilization of conservation storage.(1)
Releases of stored water and releases of river flow may be made simultaneously upon the demands of either or both states.(2)
Water released upon concurrent or separate demands shall be applied promptly to beneficial use unless storage thereof downstream is authorized by the administration.(3)
Releases of river flow and of stored water to Colorado shall be measured by gauging stations located at or near John Martin dam and the releases to which Kansas is entitled shall be satisfied by an equivalent in state line flow.(4)
When water is released from John Martin reservoir appropriate allowances as determined by the administration shall be made for the intervals of time required for such water to arrive at the points of diversion in Colorado and at the state line.(5)
There shall be no allowance or accumulation of credits or debits for or against either state.(6)
Storage, releases from storage and releases of river flow authorized in this article shall be accomplished pursuant to procedures prescribed by the administration under the provisions of article VIII.(1)
Nothing in this compact shall be construed as impairing the jurisdiction of Kansas over the waters of the Arkansas river that originate in Kansas and over the waters that flow from Colorado across the state line into Kansas.(2)
Except as otherwise provided, nothing in this compact shall be construed as supplanting the administration by Colorado of the rights of appropriators of waters of the Arkansas river in said state as decreed to said appropriators by the courts of Colorado, nor as interfering with the distribution among said appropriators by Colorado, nor as curtailing the diversion and use for irrigation and other beneficial purposes in Colorado of the waters of the Arkansas river.(1)
Adopt, amend and revoke by-laws, rules and regulations consistent with the provisions of this compact;(2)
Prescribe procedures for the administration of this compact: Provided, that where such procedures involve the operation of John Martin reservoir project they shall be subject to the approval of the district engineer in charge of said project;(3)
Perform all functions required to implement this compact and to do all things necessary, proper or convenient in the performance of its duties.(1)
The salaries, if any, and the personal expenses of each member shall be paid by the government which he represents. All other expenses incident to the administration of this compact which are not paid by the United States shall be borne by the states on the basis of 60 per cent by Colorado and 40 per cent by Kansas.(2)
In each even numbered year the administration shall adopt and transmit to the governor of each state its budget covering anticipated expenses for the forthcoming biennium and the amount thereof payable by each state. Each state shall appropriate and pay the amount due by it to the administration.(3)
The administration shall keep accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements and shall include a statement thereof, together with a certificate of audit by a certified public accountant, in its annual report. Each state shall have the right to make an examination and audit of the accounts of the administration at any time.(1)
The administration shall co-operate with the chief official of each state charged with the administration of water rights and with federal agencies in the systematic determination and correlation of the facts as to the flow and diversion of the waters of the Arkansas river and as to the operation and siltation of John Martin reservoir and other related structures. The administration shall co-operate in the procurement, interchange, compilation and publication of all factual data bearing upon the administration of this compact without, in general, duplicating measurements, observations or publications made by state or federal agencies. State officials shall furnish pertinent factual data to the administration upon its request. The administration shall, with the collaboration of the appropriate federal and state agencies, determine as may be necessary from time to time, the location of gauging stations required for the proper administration of this compact and shall designate the official records of such stations for its official use.(2)
The director, U. S. geological survey, the commissioner of reclamation and the chief of engineers, U. S. Army, are hereby requested to collaborate with the administration and with appropriate state officials in the systematic determination and correlation of data referred to in paragraph G (1) of this article and in the execution of other duties of such officials which may be necessary for the proper administration of this compact.(3)
If deemed necessary for the administration of this compact, the administration may require the installation and maintenance, at the expense of water users, of measuring devices of approved type in any ditch or group of ditches diverting water from the Arkansas river in Colorado or Kansas. The chief official of each state charged with the administration of water rights shall supervise the execution of the administration’s requirements for such installations.
Section 37-69-101 — Arkansas River compact, https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-37.pdf
(accessed Dec. 24, 2024).