C.R.S. Section 37-84-121
Penalty for refusal to deliver water

Any superintendent or any person having charge of said ditch who willfully neglects or refuses to deliver water, as provided in sections 37-84-118 to 37-84-123, or any person who prevents or interferes with the proper delivery of water to the persons having the right thereto commits a petty offense. The money thus collected shall be paid into the general fund of the county in which the petty offense has been committed. The owners of such ditches shall be liable in damages to the persons deprived of the use of the water to which they were entitled as provided in sections 37-84-118 to 37-84-123.

Source: Section 37-84-121 — Penalty for refusal to deliver water, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-37.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 37-84-121’s source at colorado​.gov