C.R.S. Section 37-85-105
Order fixing date of hearing


At the time so fixed, all persons interested, on either side of the controversy, in lands which may be irrigated from such ditch, or other work, may appear by themselves, their agents, or their attorneys, and said board of county commissioners shall then proceed to take action in the matter of fixing such rates of compensation for the delivery of water; but the applicant, if the application is made by a party desirous of procuring water, within ten days from the time of entering the said order fixing the hearing, shall cause a copy of such order, duly certified, to be delivered to the owner of such ditch, canal, conduit, or reservoir, or to the president, secretary, or treasurer of the company, if it is owned by a corporation or association having such officers. If such owner cannot be found, a copy shall be left at his usual place of abode, with some person residing there over twelve years of age; and, if such officer of any corporation or association cannot be found, such copy shall be left at the usual place of business of the company of which he is such officer or at his residence if such company has no place of business; and, if such ditch or other work is owned by several owners not being an incorporated company, it shall be sufficient to serve notice by delivering copies to a majority of them.


If the applicant is the owner or party controlling such ditch, canal, conduit, or reservoir, such notice shall be given by causing printed copies of such order in handbill form, in conspicuous type, to be posted securely in ten or more public places throughout the district watered from such ditch, or other work, if the water is used for irrigation, and one copy shall be posted for every mile in length of such ditch; but, if such ditch, or other work, is for the supply of water for milling or mining, it shall be sufficient to serve such copy on the parties then taking water therefrom. The person making such service or posting such printed copies shall make affidavit of the manner in which the same has been done, which affidavit shall be filed with the said board of county commissioners.


Depositions mentioned in section 37-85-104, to be used before the board of county commissioners, shall be taken before any officer in the state authorized by law to take depositions, upon reasonable notice being given to the opposite party of the time and place of taking the same.

Source: Section 37-85-105 — Order fixing date of hearing, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-37.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 37-85-105’s source at colorado​.gov