C.R.S. Section 37-90.5-108
Geothermal management districts


The state engineer may adopt procedures that establish geothermal management districts applicable to distributed geothermal resources. In geothermal management districts, the state engineer may:


Control well-spacing and production rates;


Control the quantity of geothermal fluid extracted from distributed geothermal resources by methods and procedures that the state engineer deems appropriate, including requirements to reinject; and


Adopt a comprehensive plan for the most efficient use of distributed geothermal resources, guided by the principles of equitable apportionment, maximum economic recovery, and prevention of waste.


The state engineer may delegate some or all of his authority under this section to a geothermal management district upon finding that the district has adequate organization and capability to administer an acceptable management plan.


The state engineer shall notify the commission of any application for a geothermal management district that is anticipated to affect deep geothermal operations.

Source: Section 37-90.5-108 — Geothermal management districts, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-37.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 37-90.5-108’s source at colorado​.gov