C.R.S. Section 39-24-104
Compromise agreement

  • filing
  • penalty


When the executive director of the department of revenue claims that a decedent was domiciled in this state at the time of his death and the taxing authorities of another state make a like claim on behalf of their state, the said executive director may make a written agreement of compromise with the other taxing authorities and the executor or administrator of such decedent that a certain sum shall be accepted in full satisfaction of all inheritance taxes imposed by this state, including any interest or penalties to the date of signing the agreement. The agreement shall also fix the amount to be accepted by the other states in full satisfaction of inheritance taxes. The executor or administrator of such decedent is authorized to make such agreement. Such agreement shall finally and conclusively fix and determine the amount of tax payable to this state without regard to any other provision of the laws of this state.


Unless the tax so agreed upon is paid within sixty days after the signing of such agreement, interest or penalties shall thereafter accrue upon the amount fixed in the agreement, but the time between the decedent’s death and the signing of such agreement shall not be included in computing the interest or penalties. In the event the aggregate amount payable under such agreement to the states involved is less than the maximum credit allowable to the estate against the United States estate tax imposed with respect thereto, the personal representatives forthwith shall also pay to the department of revenue so much of the difference between such aggregate amount and the amount of such credit as the amount payable to the department under the agreement bears to such aggregate amount. A copy of any such agreement shall be filed in the court having jurisdiction of the administration of the estate and any existing appraisement shall be deemed modified according to said agreement.


In the event no appraisement has been made and filed prior to said agreement, the executive director of the department of revenue shall direct an appraisement to be made and filed in the court having jurisdiction of the administration of the estate in accordance with said agreement.

Source: Section 39-24-104 — Compromise agreement - filing - penalty, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-39.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 39-24-104’s source at colorado​.gov