C.R.S. Section 39-30-103.5
Credit against tax

  • contributions to enterprise zone administrators to implement economic development plans
  • repeal

(1)(a)(I) Any taxpayer who makes a monetary or in-kind contribution for the purpose of implementing the economic development plan for the enterprise zone to the person or agency designated as the enterprise zone administrator by the Colorado economic development commission, shall be allowed a credit against the income tax imposed by article 22 of this title 39 in an amount equal to twenty-five percent of the total value of the contribution as certified by the enterprise zone administrator.
(II)(Deleted by amendment, L. 2020.)(b) The credit allowed by paragraph (a) of this subsection (1) shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars or the total amount of the income tax imposed on the taxpayer’s income by article 22 of this title for the tax year for which the credit is claimed, whichever is less. In-kind contributions shall not exceed fifty percent of the total credit claimed.


Upon request, the enterprise zone administrator, acting on behalf of the department of revenue, shall provide the taxpayer with a form to be filed with the department of revenue for the purpose of claiming the credit allowed by this section which shall be accompanied by a copy of the certification of the value and purpose of the contribution furnished to the taxpayer by the enterprise zone administrator.


If the amount of the credit allowed pursuant to the provisions of this section exceeds the amount of income taxes otherwise due on the income of the taxpayer in the income tax year for which the credit is being claimed, the amount of the credit not used as an offset against income taxes in said income tax year may be carried forward as a credit against subsequent years’ income tax liability for a period not exceeding five years and shall be applied first to the earliest income tax years possible. Any credit remaining after said period shall not be refunded or credited to the taxpayer.


On or before November 1, 2000, and November 1 of each year thereafter, each zone administrator shall provide to the director of the Colorado office of economic development on behalf of the Colorado economic development commission a list of all programs, projects, and organizations to which taxpayers may contribute during the next calendar year for the purpose of implementing the economic development plan of the zone and receiving a tax credit pursuant to this section. The list shall be accompanied by a description of each program, project, or organization, including the purpose and relationship of the program, project, or organization to the economic development goals of the enterprise zone, the expected benefits of the program, project, or organization to the enterprise zone, and an estimate of the amount of potential contributions to the program, project, or organization during the next calendar year. Any modifications to a list, including programs, projects, or organizations that are to be added thereto, shall be submitted to the director of the office of economic development on behalf of the commission by the zone administrator no later than thirty days after the modification is made. Commencing July 1, 1999, the commission is authorized to hold hearings and review any new program, project, or organization included on a list that is submitted to the director of the Colorado office of economic development on behalf of the commission pursuant to this section, any modification to a list, and any other program, project, or organization that the commission determines has changed materially. A list or modification of a list that is submitted to the director of the Colorado office of economic development on behalf of the commission pursuant to this section shall not be considered final until thirty days after the commission has received such information. The commission shall approve any program, project, or organization that it determines is eligible under the requirements of this section or is essential to the mission of the enterprise zone upon a majority vote of the members of the commission present at a meeting at which such approval is considered. The director of the Colorado office of economic development on behalf of the commission shall notify the zone administrator of any program, project, or organization that is not approved within thirty days of receipt of the list or modification of the list. Any program, project, or organization not approved by the commission may request that the commission reconsider its decision within thirty days after the date the notice indicating that the program, project, or organization was not approved was provided to the zone administrator. A zone administrator may accept contributions for any program, project, or organization it has submitted pursuant to this paragraph (e).




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Prior to January 1, 2023, monetary or in-kind contributions to promote temporary, emergency, or transitional housing programs for the homeless that offer or provide referrals to child care, job placement, and counseling services for the purpose of promoting employment for homeless persons in enterprise zones shall be deemed to be for the purpose of implementing the economic development plan for the enterprise zone and shall include but not be limited to the following types of contributions:


Donating money, real estate, or property to the enterprise zone for the establishment of temporary, emergency, or transitional housing for the homeless to include child care and job placement services;


Donating money to the enterprise zone to establish a grant or loan program for homeless individuals requiring financial assistance for temporary, emergency, or transitional housing or child care;


Pooling moneys of several businesses and donating those moneys to the enterprise zone for the establishment of temporary, emergency, or transitional housing programs for the homeless that offer or provide referrals to child care, job placement, and counseling services for the purpose of promoting employment for homeless persons;


Donating money to the enterprise zone for the training of homeless individuals to obtain employment; and


Donating money, services, or equipment to the enterprise zone for the establishment of an information dissemination program to provide information and referral services to assist a homeless individual in obtaining temporary, emergency, or transitional housing, child care, or employment.




This subsection (3) is repealed, effective December 31, 2032.


For income tax years commencing on and after January 1, 2003, monetary or in-kind contributions to promote nonprofit or government-funded community development projects in enterprise zones shall be deemed to be for the purpose of implementing the economic development plan for the enterprise zone.


In no event shall credits be allowed pursuant to this section for contributions that directly benefit the contributor or that are not directly related to job creation, job preservation, or other purposes specified in subsections (2), (3), and (3.5) of this section.
(5)(a)(I) Contributions pursuant to this section may be made directly to programs, projects, or organizations certified by the enterprise zone administrator. The enterprise zone administrator shall only certify programs, projects, or organizations that meet the criteria set forth in this section for the purpose of receiving direct contributions.


Each program, project, and organization certified by the enterprise zone administrator pursuant to this paragraph (a) shall submit a report at least once per year, or more often if required by the enterprise zone administrator, indicating the total value of contributions received for which tax credits would be allowed pursuant to this section and the source of the contribution.


For income tax years commencing on and after January 1, 2013, contributions pursuant to this section may be made directly to an organization that has attained tax exempt status under section 501 (c)(3) of the federal “Internal Revenue Code of 1986”, as amended, if such organization is obligated to disburse the contribution as directed by the taxpayer to a recipient organization that has attained tax exempt status under section 501 (c)(3) of the federal “Internal Revenue Code of 1986”, as amended, or to such recipient organization’s program or project, so long as either the recipient organization, program, or project is certified by the enterprise zone administrator as meeting the criteria set forth in this section for the purpose of receiving direct contributions as allowed in paragraph (a) of this subsection (5).


No later than ninety days after making a certification of value pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, the enterprise zone administrator making the certification shall report to the director of the Colorado office of economic development on behalf of the Colorado economic development commission the total value of the contribution as certified by the administrator, the source of the contribution, the purpose of the contribution, and the relationship of the stated purpose of the contribution to the enterprise zone’s goals or job creation objectives.


The director of the Colorado office of economic development on behalf of the Colorado economic development commission or the enterprise zone administrator may release information concerning the source and amount of contributions made pursuant to this section, as well as the amount of the credits allowed pursuant to this section.


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Any enterprise zone administrator that provides oversight, management, or other administrative services to a program, project, or organization that has been approved by the economic development commission for purposes of the contribution tax credit as defined in this section is authorized to charge reasonable fees to programs, projects, and organizations as defined in this section. Each enterprise zone administrator that charges administrative fees pursuant to this paragraph (a) shall establish a reasonable policy regarding the imposition of such fees and shall submit the policy to the Colorado economic development commission for review and approval.


The Colorado economic development commission shall review the administrative fee policy established by an enterprise zone administrator and shall approve the policy or require that the enterprise zone administrator make modifications to the policy as specified by the commission before approving the policy.

Source: Section 39-30-103.5 — Credit against tax - contributions to enterprise zone administrators to implement economic development plans - repeal, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-39.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 39-30-103.5’s source at colorado​.gov