C.R.S. Section 39-4-108

  • hearing
  • decision


Any public utility, being of the opinion that the actual value of its property and plant as determined by the administrator is illegal, erroneous, or not uniform with the actual value of like property similarly situated, as determined by the administrator, may, no later than July 15, file a petition or complaint with the administrator, setting forth such illegality, error, or lack of uniformity.


Any assessor or board of county commissioners, being of the opinion that the actual value of the property and plant of any public utility as determined by the administrator is illegal, erroneous, or not uniform with the actual value of like property similarly situated, as determined by the administrator, or that the amount of valuation of any public utility has not been correctly apportioned among the counties entitled thereto may, no later than July 15, file a petition or complaint with the administrator setting forth such illegality, error, lack of uniformity, or incorrect apportionment.


Upon the filing of any petition or complaint provided for in this section, the administrator shall cause notice of such filing to be given to the assessor and the board of county commissioners of any county directly affected and to any public utility directly affected, as may appear from such petition or complaint. Such notice shall be mailed at least five days prior to the meeting with the administrator at which such petition or complaint will be heard.


The administrator shall, on the first working day after notices of valuation are mailed and on succeeding days if necessary, hear all such petitions and complaints. In case there are several petitions or complaints filed involving like questions, the same may be consolidated for the purpose of hearing and determination. The administrator shall hear all evidence presented and listen to arguments touching upon the matters concerning which the petition or complaint was filed. He shall have power to subpoena and compel the attendance of witnesses and to require the production of any books or records deemed necessary to arrive at a proper determination of the matter. Upon good cause, any hearing may be adjourned from time to time, but in no event beyond July 27. Hearings conducted under this section shall be informal, and a verbatim record need not be made, as required under section 24-4-105 (13), C.R.S.


The administrator shall render his decision upon any petition or complaint, in writing, no later than August 1 and shall transmit a copy thereof to all parties affected.


If the administrator grants the petition, in whole or in part, the administrator shall make the appropriate corrections or changes in the valuation of such public utility, or in the apportionment thereof, and shall certify the same to the assessor of the county affected thereby. Such decision shall control all proceedings thereafter, the same as though originally certified by the administrator.


If the administrator denies the petition, in whole or in part, all costs and expenses incurred in conducting the hearing shall be chargeable to the petitioner and shall be enforceable and collectible as in the case of other claims and demands.


Further proceedings brought by a party adversely affected by the administrator’s decision shall be before the board of assessment appeals under the provisions of section 39-2-125 or before the Denver district court for a trial de novo with no presumption in favor of any pending valuation, and no judicial review shall be available to any party under the provisions of section 39-4-109 until the board or the district court has rendered its decision.

Source: Section 39-4-108 — Complaint - hearing - decision, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-39.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 39-4-108’s source at colorado​.gov