C.R.S. Section 40-6-109

  • orders
  • record
  • review
  • representation of entities in nonadjudicatory proceedings

(1)(a)(I) At the time fixed for any hearing before the commission, any commissioner, or an administrative law judge or at the time to which the hearing may have been continued, the following persons are entitled to be heard, examine and cross-examine witnesses, and introduce evidence:


The applicant;


The petitioner;


The complainant;


The person, firm, or corporation complained of;


Such persons, firms, or corporations as the commission may allow to intervene; and


Such persons, firms, or corporations as will be interested in or affected by any order that may be made by the commission in such proceeding and who shall have become parties to the proceeding.


All parties in interest are entitled to be heard in person or by attorney.


In a proceeding before the commission that relates to an investor-owned utility’s application for cost recovery, the commission shall permit a wholesale customer of the utility to intervene if the customer demonstrates a pecuniary or tangible interest in the proceeding.


A reporter appointed by the commission, a commissioner if deemed appropriate by the commission, or, as applicable, an administrative law judge shall take down and record electronically a full and complete record of all proceedings had before the commission, any commissioner, or an administrative law judge in any formal hearing and all testimony.


Whenever any hearing, investigation, or other proceeding is assigned to an administrative law judge or individual commissioner for hearing, the administrative law judge or individual commissioner, after the conclusion of said hearing, shall promptly transmit to the commission the record and exhibits of said proceeding together with a written recommended decision which shall contain his findings of fact and conclusions thereon, together with the recommended order or requirement. Copies thereof shall be served upon the parties, who may file exceptions thereto; but if no exceptions are filed within twenty days after service upon the parties, or within such extended period of time as the commission may authorize in writing (copies of any such extension to be served upon the parties), or unless such decision is stayed within such time by the commission upon its own motion, such recommended decision shall become the decision of the commission and subject to the provisions of section 40-6-115. The commission upon its own motion may and where exceptions are filed shall reconsider the matter, either upon the same record or after further hearing, and such recommended decision shall thereupon be stayed or postponed pending final determination thereof by the commission. The commission may adopt, reject, or modify the findings of fact and conclusions of such individual commissioner or administrative law judge or, after examination of the record of any such proceeding, enter its decision and order therein without regard to the findings of fact and conclusions of any individual commissioner or administrative law judge. Any commissioner to whom a proceeding may be so assigned shall not be disabled thereby from participating with the commission in the final decision.


After the conclusion of any hearing, investigation, or proceeding before the commission, the commission shall make and file its decision. The decision shall be a report in writing in which the commission shall state its findings of fact and conclusions thereon together with its order or requirement. The decision, under the seal of the commission, shall be served upon all parties and made available to all participants in the proceeding.


Unless otherwise provided in this title, all decisions of the commission shall become effective upon a day to be fixed by the commission in any such decision and shall continue in force either for a period which may be designated therein or until changed or abrogated by the commission. Decisions containing negative orders shall be effective on the date of entry thereof, unless otherwise provided in any such decision. If an order or requirement cannot, in the judgment of the commission, be complied with within the time prescribed therein, the commission, on application made within such time and for good cause shown, may extend the time for compliance fixed in its decision.


The commission may by general rule or regulation provide for the taking of evidence in uncontested or unopposed proceedings by affidavit or otherwise, without the necessity of a formal oral hearing. Such shortened or informal proceedings shall otherwise be subject to all of the provisions of this title. Upon its own motion the commission may and upon request of a party timely made the commission shall assign any such uncontested or unopposed proceeding for hearing.


The commission may make the initial decision in cases where it has not presided at the taking of evidence, and the recommended decision of the individual commissioner or administrative law judge may be omitted in any case in which the commission finds upon the record that due and timely execution of its functions imperatively and unavoidably so requires.


The commission may by general rule or regulation provide for appearances pro se by, or for representation by authorized officers or regular employees of, the commission’s staff, corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, sole proprietorships, and other legal entities in certain nonadjudicatory matters before the commission.

Source: Section 40-6-109 — Hearings - orders - record - review - representation of entities in nonadjudicatory proceedings, (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

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