C.R.S. Section 40-9.5-106
Prohibited acts


No cooperative electric association shall make a change in any rate charged for electric service or in any rule or regulation in connection therewith unless such association shall provide public notice of such proposed change at least thirty days prior to the day the proposed change is to take effect.


No cooperative electric association, as to rates, charges, service, or facilities or as to any other matter, shall make or grant any preference or advantage to any corporation or person or subject any corporation or person to any prejudice or disadvantage. No cooperative electric association shall establish or maintain any unreasonable difference as to rates, charges, service, or facilities or as to any other matter, either between localities or between any class of service. Notwithstanding section 40-6-108 (1)(b), any complaint arising out of this subsection (2) signed by one or more customers of such association shall be resolved by the public utilities commission in accordance with the hearing and enforcement procedures established in articles 6 and 7 of this title. A cooperative electric association may approve any reasonable rate, charge, service, classification, or facility that establishes a graduated rate for increased energy consumption, for energy conservation and energy efficiency purposes, by residential customers that is revenue-neutral for the class, where revenue includes margins, expenses, riders, or charges as approved by the cooperative electric association. The implementation of such rate, charge, service, classification, or facility by a cooperative electric association shall not be deemed to subject any person or corporation to any prejudice, disadvantage, or undue discrimination. In adopting such rate, a cooperative electric association shall give due consideration to the impact of such rates on low-income customers. A cooperative electric association may utilize a community energy fund as contemplated by sections 40-2-127 and 40-2-127.5 for energy efficiency, energy conservation, weatherization, and renewable energy purposes. A cooperative electric association shall not apply such rate to consumers that have single meters that record energy consumption for combined residential and agricultural uses.


No rates, charges, rules, or regulations of a cooperative electric association shall be unjust or unreasonable. Any complaint under this subsection (3) shall be resolved by the public utilities commission in accordance with the hearing and enforcement procedures established in articles 6 and 7 of this title if the complaint alleging a violation is signed by the mayor, the president or chairman of the board of trustees, or a majority of the council, commission, or other legislative body of an affected county, city and county, city, or town, an affected public utility, or any one or more affected entities constituting a separate rate class of the association or is signed by not less than twenty-five customers or prospective customers of such association.

Source: Section 40-9.5-106 — Prohibited acts, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-40.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Legislative declaration
Exemption from “Public Utilities Law”
Procedure for exemption - election
Certificate of public convenience and necessity
Prohibited acts
Duties of cooperative electric associations
Public meetings - definition
Public posting of documents
Regulations governing consumer complaints
Election policy - adoption - publication - contents
Electronic participation - meetings - elections conducted by mail or electronic means - definition
Board of directors of cooperative electric associations - nomination - elections
Directors - required policies
Notice of meeting - agenda
Provisions applicable to cooperative electric associations
Method of reimposing public utilities commission regulation
Public utilities commission - fees
Investment in public-private transportation facilities
Surcharge for underground conversion of facilities
Net metering - rules
Legislative declaration
Service rights and facilities of cooperative electric associations within municipalities or within areas to be annexed by municipalities which own and operate electric utilities
Just compensation for service rights and facilities by municipality
Purchase by cooperative electric association of electric distribution facilities and service rights of municipality
Provisions on purchase nonexclusive - no effect on existing contracts
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 40-9.5-106’s source at colorado​.gov