C.R.S. Section 41-5-102

  • airport facilities and bonds


The acquisition, construction, reconstruction, lease, improvement, or betterment of any airport or airport facilities, or both, and the issuance of bonds in anticipation of the collection of revenues of such facility to provide funds to pay the cost thereof may be authorized by a vote of a majority of the members of the board of county commissioners at a regular or special meeting thereof. The board shall establish a maximum net effective interest rate for the issue of bonds.


The board of county commissioners, in determining such cost, may include all costs and estimated costs of the issuance of said bonds, all engineering, inspection, fiscal, and legal expenses, all preliminary planning expenses and interest which it is estimated will accrue during the construction or other acquisition period or a period not exceeding two years thereafter on money borrowed or which it is estimated will be borrowed pursuant to this article; any discount on the sale of the bonds; costs of financial, professional, and other estimates and advice; contingencies; any administrative, operating, and other expenses of the county prior to and during such acquisition period and for a period not exceeding two years thereafter, as may be determined by the board of county commissioners; and all such other expenses as may be necessary or incident to the financing, acquisition, improvement, and completion of any airport facility, and the placing of the same in operation, and also such provision or reserves for working capital, operation, or maintenance, or for payment or security of principal of or interest on any bonds during or after such an acquisition or improvement as the board of county commissioners may determine, and also reimbursements to the federal government, or any agency, instrumentality, or corporation thereof, of any moneys theretofore expended for or in connection with any such airport facilities.


All revenue bonds issued under the provisions of this article shall bear interest at a rate such that the net effective interest rate for the issue of bonds does not exceed the maximum net effective interest rate authorized, and shall be executed in such a manner and be payable serially in annual installments beginning not later than two years and extending not more than forty years from the date thereof, and may be made payable at such place as the board of county commissioners determines. Said bonds may be made callable for redemption prior to maturity in such manner, at such time, and in such amounts, upon payment of a premium not exceeding three percent of the principal, as may be determined by the board of county commissioners.


Said bonds may be sold at, above, or below their par values, but they may not be sold at a price such that the net effective interest rate of the issue of bonds exceeds the maximum net effective interest rate authorized.


Said bonds may be sold at private sale to the United States or any agency, instrumentality, or corporation thereof or to the state of Colorado or any agency or instrumentality thereof. Unless sold to the United States or any agency, instrumentality, or corporation thereof or to the state of Colorado or any agency or instrumentality thereof, said bonds shall be sold at public sale after notice of such sale published once at least five days prior to such sale in a newspaper of general circulation in said county or in a financial newspaper.


The revenue bonds issued under this article shall be serially numbered and shall be paid off and retired in the order in which they were issued, but such order of payment shall not apply to warrants or bonds made callable for redemption prior to maturity in the inverse order of their numbers.


Subject to the payment provisions in this article specifically provided, said bonds and any interest coupons thereto attached shall be fully negotiable within the meaning of and for all purposes of article 8 of title 4, C.R.S., pertaining to investment securities, except as the governing body may otherwise provide; and each holder of each such security, by accepting such security, shall be conclusively deemed to have agreed that such security, except as otherwise provided, is fully negotiable within the meaning and for all purposes of article 8 of title 4, C.R.S., pertaining to investment securities.


If lost or completely destroyed, any security authorized by this article may be reissued in the form and tenor of the lost or destroyed security upon the owner’s furnishing, to the satisfaction of the governing body, the following: Proof of ownership; proof of loss or destruction; a surety bond in twice the face amount of the security, including any unmatured coupons appertaining thereto; and payment of the cost of preparing and issuing the new security.


The resolution authorizing any bonds or other instrument appertaining thereto may contain any agreement or provision customarily contained in instruments securing revenue bonds.

Source: Section 41-5-102 — Authorization - airport facilities and bonds, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-41.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 41-5-102’s source at colorado​.gov