C.R.S. Section 44-1-102
Legislative declaration


The general assembly hereby finds and declares that:


Before the enactment of this title 44, laws administered by the department of revenue that regulate a variety of activities were codified in two titles of the Colorado Revised Statutes, most prominently in title 12, which governs professions and occupations;


Most professions and occupations are regulated by the department of regulatory agencies pursuant to title 12, but prior to the 2017 legislative session, title 12 contained numerous laws that did not pertain to the regulation of professions and occupations and were not administered by the department of regulatory agencies;


With the enactment of section 2-3-510 in 2016, the general assembly directed the office of legislative legal services to study an organizational recodification of title 12 of the Colorado Revised Statutes, including relocating laws that do not pertain to professions and occupations and are not administered by the department of regulatory agencies;


Based on recommendations from the title 12 recodification study, the general assembly enacted several bills in the 2017 legislative session to relocate out of title 12 many laws that are administered by entities other than the department of regulatory agencies;


The study also recommended creating a new title 44 for purposes of consolidating laws administered by the department of revenue that regulate activities into a single title in order to facilitate both:


The public’s and regulated entities’ understanding of the laws that apply to them; and


The department of revenue’s administration of these laws; and


Creating a new title 44 consisting of laws administered by the department of revenue that regulate various activities is necessary to implement the recommendations of the title 12 recodification study and facilitate the reorganization of title 12 pertaining to the regulation of professions and occupations.

Source: Section 44-1-102 — Legislative declaration, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-44.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

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