C.R.S. Section 44-40-122
Revenue bonds

  • authority
  • issuance
  • requirements
  • covenants


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The commission may, by resolution that meets the requirements of subsection (2) of this section, authorize and issue revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed ten million dollars in the aggregate for expenses of the division. The bonds may be issued only after approval by both houses of the general assembly either by act or joint resolution and after approval by the governor in accordance with section 39 of article V of the state constitution. The bonds shall be payable only from money allocated to the division for expenses of the division pursuant to section 44-40-111 (1).


All bonds issued by the commission shall provide that:


No holder of any such bond may compel the state or any subdivision thereof to exercise its appropriation or taxing power; and


The bond does not constitute a debt of the state and is payable only from the net revenues allocated to the division for expenses as designated in the bond.


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Any resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds under the terms of this section shall:


State the date of issuance of the bonds;


State a maturity date or dates during a period not to exceed thirty years from the date of issuance of the bonds;


State the interest rate or rates on, and the denomination or denominations of, the bonds;


State the medium of payment of the bonds and the place where the bonds will be paid.


Any resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds under the terms of this section may:


State that the bonds are to be issued in one or more series;


State a rank or priority of the bonds;


Provide for redemption of the bonds prior to maturity, with or without premium.


Any bonds issued pursuant to the terms of this section may be sold at public or private sale. If bonds are to be sold at a public sale, the commission shall advertise the sale in any manner that the commission deems appropriate. All bonds issued pursuant to the terms of this section shall be sold at a price not less than the par value thereof, together with all accrued interest to the date of delivery.


Notwithstanding any provisions of the law to the contrary, all bonds issued pursuant to this section are negotiable.


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A resolution pertaining to issuance of bonds under this section may contain covenants as to:


The purpose to which the proceeds of sale of the bonds may be applied and to the use and disposition thereof;


Any matters that are customary in the issuance of revenue bonds including, without limitation, the issuance and lien position of other or additional bonds; and


Books of account and the inspection and audit thereof.


Any resolution made pursuant to the terms of this section shall be deemed a contract with the holders of the bonds, and the duties of the commission under the resolution shall be enforceable by any appropriate action in a court of competent jurisdiction.


Bonds issued under this section and bearing the signatures of members of the commission in office on the date of the signing thereof shall be valid and binding obligations, regardless of whether, prior to the delivery thereof and payment therefor, any or all of the persons whose signatures appear thereon have ceased to be members of the commission.


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Except as otherwise provided in the resolution authorizing the bonds, all bonds of the same issue under this section shall have a prior and paramount lien on the net revenues pledged therefor. The commission may provide for preferential security for any bonds, both principal and interest, to be issued under this section to the extent deemed feasible and desirable by the commission over any bonds that may be issued thereafter.


Bonds of the same issue or series issued under this section shall be equally and ratably secured, without priority by reason of number, date, sale, execution, or delivery, by a lien on the net revenue pledged in accordance with the terms of the resolution authorizing the bonds.

Source: Section 44-40-122 — Revenue bonds - authority - issuance - requirements - covenants, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-44.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 44-40-122’s source at colorado​.gov