C.R.S. Section 44-7-104.5
License required

  • fees
  • rules

(1)(a)(I) On or after July 1, 2021, a retailer doing business in this state shall not sell or offer for sale cigarettes, tobacco products, or nicotine products in this state without first obtaining a state license as a retailer from the division.


A state license is valid for one year and may be renewed by application in the form and manner prescribed by the division and by payment of a fee set by rule pursuant to section 44-7-104 (5)(a)(I).


An owner of multiple retail locations in the state at which cigarettes, tobacco products, or nicotine products are sold or offered for sale must apply for a separate state license for each retail location. If the executive director wishes to authorize an owner of multiple retail locations in the state to apply simultaneously for state licenses for each retail location owned by submitting a joint application, the executive director may establish by rule:


The process by which the owner may apply for state licenses for multiple retail locations in a joint application; and


A joint application fee.


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Except as provided in subsection (4)(b) of this section, the division shall approve or deny a state license application within sixty days after receiving the application. The division may deny an application only for good cause. If the division denies an application, the division shall inform the applicant in writing of the reasons for the denial, and the applicant, within fourteen days after receiving the written denial, may request that a hearing be held on the matter in accordance with section 44-7-105.




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Upon obtaining a state license from the division for a retail location, a retailer shall conspicuously display the state license at the retail location.


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State licenses are not transferable. If a licensee ceases to be a retailer at a retail location by reason of discontinuation, sale, or transfer of the licensee’s business, the licensee shall notify the division in writing on or before the date on which the discontinuance, sale, or transfer takes effect.


If a person to whom a retailer’s retail location is sold applies for a state license for the retail location within thirty days after taking ownership of the retail location, which date of taking ownership must be demonstrated in the application in a manner determined by the division, the person may continue to sell or offer to sell cigarettes, tobacco products, or nicotine products without a state license during the pendency of the division’s review of the person’s state license application.


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If a local government imposes licensing requirements on retailers, the licensing requirements must be as stringent as, and may be more stringent than, the statewide licensing requirements set forth in this article 7.


If a retailer applies for a state license from the division pursuant to this section for a retail location that is within the jurisdiction of a local government that imposes licensing requirements on retailers, the division shall:


Issue a state license to the retailer upon the retailer demonstrating to the division that the retailer has obtained a local license and paying the state license fee; and


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Except as provided in subsection (4)(b)(II)(B) of this section, set the state license renewal date on the same date as the local license renewal date. The division shall prorate the initial state license fee if setting the state license renewal date in line with the local license renewal date requires renewal within less than twelve months after the initial state license was issued.


If a local government first imposes a local licensing requirement on cigarettes, tobacco products, or nicotine products on or after July 1, 2021, the local government shall set the local license renewal date for a retailer on the same date as the state license renewal date.


The division shall collaborate with any local authority regarding the performance of compliance checks and complaints received in accordance with rules promulgated by the executive director pursuant to section 44-7-104 (5)(a)(III).


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Ninety days before the expiration date of an existing state license, the division shall notify the licensee of the expiration date of the state license by electronic mail or by first-class mail, as determined by the executive director, at the mailing address that the division has on file for the licensee. The division shall establish a process for a licensee to confirm receipt of a notice sent pursuant to this subsection (5)(a). The division shall describe the confirmation process in the notice itself and on the division’s website.


If the state license concerns a retail location that is located within the jurisdiction of a local authority that imposes licensing requirements on retailers, the division shall renew the licensee’s state license upon the licensee demonstrating to the division that the licensee is operating under a valid local license and paying the renewal state license fee.


If the retailer’s state license concerns a retail location that is located within the jurisdiction of a local authority that imposes licensing requirements on retailers and the local authority:


Suspends the retailer’s local license, the division shall, pursuant to the notice and hearing process set forth in section 44-7-105 (1)(b), suspend the retailer’s state license until the retailer can demonstrate to the division’s satisfaction that the local license has been reinstated; or


Revokes the retailer’s local license, the division shall, pursuant to the notice and hearing process set forth in section 44-7-105 (1)(b), revoke the retailer’s state license.


The division shall transfer any fees collected in accordance with this article 7 to the state treasurer, who shall credit the fees to the liquor enforcement division and state licensing authority cash fund created in section 44-6-101.

Source: Section 44-7-104.5 — License required - fees - rules, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-44.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 44-7-104.5’s source at colorado​.gov