C.R.S. Section 6-7.5-109
Testing, certification, labeling, and enforcement

  • rules
  • verifications of compliance
  • publication of material incorporated by reference


Unless a product appears in the state appliance standards database maintained by the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, or a successor organization, or in a public database of compliant products maintained by other states or federal agencies with equivalent or more stringent efficiency standards, manufacturers of products covered by this article 7.5 shall demonstrate that the products comply with this article 7.5 by doing any one or more of the following:


Submitting test sample results to the executive director, using test methods and procedures adopted pursuant to this article 7.5;


Affixing a mark, label, or tag to the product and packaging at the time of sale or installation that demonstrates compliance with other state or federal agencies that have equivalent or more stringent efficiency standards; or


Submitting such other proof as the executive director may deem appropriate to show that the product complies with equivalent or more stringent efficiency standards adopted by other states or federal agencies.


The executive director may adopt rules as necessary to ensure the proper implementation and enforcement of this article 7.5.


On or before January 1, 2026, the executive director shall collect and make publicly available in written and electronic form the federal rules and other rules and standards referred to in this article 7.5. The executive director shall update the publicly available rules and standards as they may be updated or added in accordance with section 6-7.5-106.


The executive director shall:


Verify major retailers’ and distributors’ compliance with the provisions of this article 7.5 through online spot-checks, coordination with other states that have similar standards, or both;


Conduct such verifications at least once before January 1, 2027, and again at least once before January 1, 2032;


Deliver a report on the method and findings of the verifications to the energy and environment committee of the house of representatives and to the transportation and energy committee of the senate, or to any successor committees, and post the report to the department of public health and environment’s website within one month after its completion; and


Deliver any findings of violations to the attorney general.


On or before January 1, 2026, the executive director shall establish a process whereby individuals may anonymously report potential violations of this article 7.5 on the department of public health and environment’s public website. The executive director shall investigate any reported potential violation and shall report any confirmed violations to the attorney general.

Source: Section 6-7.5-109 — Testing, certification, labeling, and enforcement - rules - verifications of compliance - publication of material incorporated by reference, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-06.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 6-7.5-109’s source at colorado​.gov