Formation of toll road or toll highway company - description of corridor 7‑45‑102
Definitions 7‑45‑103
Deadline to commence work - maintenance of effort requirement 7‑45‑104
Acquisition of right-of-way 7‑45‑105
Planning standards and project review 7‑45‑106
Environmental standards and review 7‑45‑107
Construction safety standards 7‑45‑108
Notice requirements for proposed toll roads and toll highways - removal from titles and voiding of previously filed and recorded documents 7‑45‑109
Use of land by toll road or toll highway company - right to repurchase unneeded condemned property 7‑45‑110
Sale of interest in or assets of a toll road or toll highway company 7‑45‑111
Public-private initiatives
Formation of toll road or toll highway company - description of corridor 7‑45‑102
Definitions 7‑45‑103
Deadline to commence work - maintenance of effort requirement 7‑45‑104
Acquisition of right-of-way 7‑45‑105
Planning standards and project review 7‑45‑106
Environmental standards and review 7‑45‑107
Construction safety standards 7‑45‑108
Notice requirements for proposed toll roads and toll highways - removal from titles and voiding of previously filed and recorded documents 7‑45‑109
Use of land by toll road or toll highway company - right to repurchase unneeded condemned property 7‑45‑110
Sale of interest in or assets of a toll road or toll highway company 7‑45‑111
Public-private initiatives