C.R.S. Section 7-49-108

  • loans from members


Any financial institution is authorized to become a member of the corporation by making application to the board of directors on such form and in such manner as the board of directors may by rule require, and membership shall become effective upon approval of the application by said board. Membership shall be for the duration of the corporation; but, upon written notice given to the corporation two years in advance, a member may withdraw from membership at the expiration of the notice and shall not thereafter be obligated to make any loans as a member of the corporation.


Every member shall agree to make, pledge, or commit loans to the corporation or to other borrowers as provided in this section when called upon by it to do so, upon such terms and conditions as shall be approved by rule from time to time by the board of directors.


Intentionally left blank —Ed.


Pursuant to procedures established by rule at the time of incorporation, or as from time to time modified by the board of directors with the approval of a majority of the member institutions, the corporation shall have the right to ask every member to make, pledge, or commit loans up to two-tenths of one percent of its assets (or more if a greater amount is subsequently authorized) for rehabilitation, refinancing, or acquisition loans made under this article. A member’s obligation to make, pledge, or commit loans in excess of two-tenths of one percent of its assets arises only with the consent of the individual member.


Such request may be made by the corporation to a member institution asking that the member fulfill its obligations by making an insured loan to finance rehabilitation work, refinancing, or acquisition.


If a member institution has made loans insured under this article, outstanding principal amounts of which equal or exceed two-tenths of one percent of such lending institution’s assets or the amount of funds pledged, the institution may assign a loan application qualified under this article to another member institution which has not made loans insured under this article equal to the amount of funds pledged or committed to the corporation or two-tenths of one percent of its assets, and the member institution to which the assignment has been made will, if such member institution approves, make the insured loan.


In the alternative, a member institution which has exceeded its two-tenths of one percent quota may place a loan application qualified under this article with the corporation which shall have the authority to assign such qualified loan application to any member institution which has not exceeded its commitments, and such institution shall make such loan if it approves thereof. The member institution to which such assignment is made need not be located in the municipality in which the housing facility mortgaged or to be mortgaged pursuant to such assigned loan is located.


Each loan shall be subject to reasonable administrative discretion and approval by the lender, under rules established by the corporation, as to the structural soundness of the housing structure and the economic soundness of the proposed loan.


If loans are made directly to the corporation by a member institution for use by the corporation pursuant to procedures established at the time of incorporation, the corporation may transfer amounts to each member institution for the purpose of making loans as provided in this article. Each such loan shall be subject to reasonable administrative discretion by the lender as to the structural soundness of the housing structure and the economic soundness of the proposed loan.

Source: Section 7-49-108 — Membership - loans from members, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-07.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 7-49-108’s source at colorado​.gov