C.R.S. Section 8-14-102

  • complaints
  • duty of building inspector


Whenever complaint is made to the building inspector of any town or city wherein work is being done that the scaffolding or the slings, hangers, blocks, pulleys, stays, braces, ladders, or ropes of any swinging or stationary scaffolding used in the construction, alteration, repairing, painting, cleaning, or pointing of buildings within the limits of such city are unsafe or liable to prove dangerous to the life or limb of any person, the building inspector shall immediately cause an inspection to be made of the scaffolding or the slings, hangers, blocks, pulleys, stays, braces, ladders, irons, or other parts connected therewith. If, after examination, the scaffolding or any of the parts are found to be dangerous to life or limb, the building inspector shall prohibit the use thereof and require the same to be altered and reconstructed to avoid such danger. The building inspector making the examination shall attach a certificate to the scaffolding or the slings, hangers, irons, ropes, or other parts thereof examined by him stating that he has made an examination and that he has found it safe or unsafe, as the case may be. If he declares it unsafe, he shall notify the person responsible for its erection of the fact at once, in writing, and warn him against the use thereof. Such notice may be served personally upon the person responsible for its erection or by affixing it conspicuously to the scaffolding or the part thereof declared to be unsafe. After the notice has been so served or affixed, the person responsible therefor shall immediately remove the scaffolding or part thereof or alter or strengthen it in such manner as to render it safe, in the discretion of the officer who has examined it.


The building inspector, whose duty it is to examine or test any scaffolding or part thereof as required by this section, shall have free access at all reasonable hours to any building or premises containing scaffolding or where it is in use. All swinging or stationary scaffolding shall be so constructed as to bear four times the maximum weight required to be dependent therefrom or placed thereon when in use, and not more than four men shall be allowed on any swinging scaffolding at one time.

Source: Section 8-14-102 — Scaffolding - complaints - duty of building inspector, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-08.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 8-14-102’s source at colorado​.gov