C.R.S. Section 8-15.5-103
Multipurpose service centers for displaced homemakers


The executive director may establish multipurpose service centers for displaced homemakers and is authorized to enter into contracts with and make grants to agencies or organizations, public or private, to establish, organize, and administer the various programs enumerated in section 8-15.5-104.


Each service center shall include the following services:


Job counseling services which shall:


Be specifically designed for displaced homemakers; and


Operate to counsel displaced homemakers with respect to appropriate job opportunities;


Job training and job placement services which shall:


Develop, by working with state and local government agencies and private employers, training and placement programs for jobs in the public and private sectors;


Assist displaced homemakers in gaining admission to existing public and private job-training programs and opportunities; and


Assist in identifying community needs and creating new jobs in the public and private sectors;


Health education and counseling services in cooperation with existing health programs with respect to:


General principles of preventive health care;


Health-care consumer education, particularly in the selection of physicians and health-care services, including, but not limited to, health maintenance organizations and health insurance;


Family health care and nutrition;


Substance use disorders; and


Other related health-care matters;


Financial management services which provide information and assistance with respect to insurance, taxes, estate and probate problems, mortgages, loans, and other related financial matters;


Educational services, including:


Outreach and information about courses offering credit through secondary or postsecondary education programs, including bilingual programming where appropriate; and


Information about such other programs which are determined by the executive director to be of interest and benefit to displaced homemakers;


Legal counseling and referral services; and


Outreach and information services with respect to employment, education, health, public assistance, and unemployment assistance programs which the executive director determines would be of interest and benefit to displaced homemakers.


Supervisory, technical, and administrative positions relating to centers established under this article shall, to the maximum extent feasible, be filled by displaced homemakers.

Source: Section 8-15.5-103 — Multipurpose service centers for displaced homemakers, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-08.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 8-15.5-103’s source at colorado​.gov