C.R.S. Section 8-15.8-101
Legislative declaration

  • intent


The general assembly hereby:


Finds and determines that:


Colorado’s policymakers from all backgrounds face significant challenges in responding to the rapidly changing nature of work;


A changing global economy, rapidly emerging technology, demographic changes, new economy demands, shifting skill needs, and the rising cost of education, health care, and housing are just a few factors leading to labor disruptions; and


While these changes have brought immense economic benefit for some, they have also contributed to stagnant wages, declining worker benefits, weakened workplace protections, and, in some cases, permanent job losses; and


Declares that:


Policymakers, government officials, employers, education and training institutions, and other stakeholders must:


Work together to create an economy that helps workers adapt to the new and changing job landscape; and


Use all tools available to ensure that workers and employers withstand future job disruptions caused by changes in technology, trade, and organizational structure; and


Colorado must understand, prepare for, and develop effective strategies to respond to these changes.


It is the general assembly’s intent that the office of future of work will:


Serve as the central point of contact for the state’s efforts to respond to the rapidly changing nature of work;


Increase awareness of the challenges associated with the future of work and develop priorities to focus state resources on meeting those challenges;


Centralize responsibility and accountability for researching, analyzing, and developing recommendations on this issue; and


Encourage and convene participation from a variety of sectors and stakeholders in Colorado’s economy.

Source: Section 8-15.8-101 — Legislative declaration - intent, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-08.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 8-15.8-101’s source at colorado​.gov