C.R.S. Section 8-46-102
Funding for subsequent injury fund and major medical insurance fund


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For every compensable injury resulting in death wherein there are no persons either wholly or partially dependent upon the deceased, the employer or the employer’s insurance carrier, if any, shall pay to the division the sum of twenty thousand dollars, not to exceed one hundred percent of the death benefit, to be transmitted to the state treasurer, as custodian, and credited by the state treasurer to the Colorado uninsured employer fund created in section 8-67-105. In the event that there are only partially dependent persons dependent upon the deceased, the employer or the employer’s insurance carrier, if any, shall first pay such benefits to such partial dependents and shall transmit the balance of the sum of twenty thousand dollars to the state treasurer, as custodian, who shall credit the same to the Colorado uninsured employer fund.


In the event that the deceased is a minor with no persons either wholly or partially dependent upon the deceased, the employer or the employer’s insurance carrier, if any, shall pay to the parents of the deceased the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, not to exceed one hundred percent of the death benefit. In the event that there are no surviving parents, the employer or the employer’s insurance carrier, if any, shall pay such benefits to the division, to be transmitted to the state treasurer, as custodian, and credited by the state treasurer to the subsequent injury fund. In the event that there are persons only partially dependent upon the deceased, the employer or the employer’s insurance carrier, if any, shall first pay such benefits to such partially dependent persons and shall pay the balance to the surviving parents of the deceased, or in the event that there are no surviving parents, the remaining balance shall be paid to the division, to be transmitted to the state treasurer, as custodian, who shall credit the same to the subsequent injury fund.


For injuries sustained on or after July 1, 2018, and on each July 1 thereafter, the director shall adjust the amount paid to the Colorado uninsured employer fund in this subsection (1) by the percentage of the adjustment made by the director to the state weekly wage pursuant to section 8-47-106.
(2)(a)(I) Notwithstanding sections 10-3-209 (1)(c) and 10-6-128 (3), C.R.S., for the purpose of funding the financial liabilities of the subsequent injury fund pursuant to this section and of the major medical insurance fund pursuant to section 8-46-202, every person, partnership, association, and corporation, whether organized under the laws of this state or of any other state or country, every mutual company or association, every captive insurance company, and every other insurance carrier, including Pinnacol Assurance, insuring employers in this state against liability for personal injury to their employees or death caused thereby under the provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title shall, as provided in this subsection (2), be levied a tax upon the premiums received in this state, whether or not in cash, or on account of business done in this state for such insurance in this state at a rate determined by the director to generate sufficient revenue for claim payments and direct and indirect costs of administration that are anticipated to be submitted in the following state fiscal year for which such funds are liable. In determining the rate, the director shall, in addition to revenue for claim payments and direct and indirect costs of administration that are anticipated to be due in the following state fiscal year, maintain a cash balance in both the major medical insurance fund and the subsequent injury fund of an amount of otherwise unrestricted revenues equal to approximately one year’s worth of claim payments and direct and indirect administrative costs. Such insurance carriers shall be credited with all canceled or returned premiums actually refunded during the year of such insurance.




Every such insurance carrier shall, on July 1, 1988, and semiannually thereafter, make a return, verified by affidavits of its president and its secretary or by affidavits of its other chief officers or agents, to the division, stating the amount of all such premiums received and credits granted during the period covered by such return. Every insurance carrier required to make such return shall file the same with the division within thirty days after the close of the period covered thereby and shall, at the same time, pay to the division a tax ascertained as provided in paragraph (a) of this subsection (2), less return premiums on canceled policies.


Every employer acting as a self-insurer under the provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title shall, under oath, report to the division the employer’s payroll in such form as may be prescribed by the director and at the times specified for premium reports by insurance companies in paragraph (b) of this subsection (2). The division shall assess against such payroll a tax for the purposes of paragraph (b) of this subsection (2) on the basic premiums chargeable against the same or most similar industry or business taken from the manual insurance rates, including any discount or experience modification allowed, chargeable by Pinnacol Assurance, and, upon receipt of notice from the division of the tax so assessed, every such self-insurer shall, within thirty days after the receipt of such notice, pay to the division the tax so assessed.


If any such insurance carrier or self-insurer fails or refuses to make the return or report required by paragraph (b) or (c) of this subsection (2), the director shall assess the tax against such insurance carrier or self-insurer at the rate provided for in this subsection (2) on such amount of premium as the director may deem just, and the proceedings thereof shall be the same as if the return had been made.


If any such insurance carrier or self-insurer withdraws from business in this state before the tax provided for in this subsection (2) falls due as provided in this section, or fails or neglects to pay such tax, the director shall proceed at once to collect the same; and the director is authorized to employ such legal processes as may be necessary for that purpose. Suit shall be brought by the director in any of the courts of this state having jurisdiction.


The director, in the enforcement of this subsection (2), shall have all of the powers granted in articles 40 to 47 of this title, and any insurance carrier or self-insurer who violates any of the provisions of this subsection (2) or fails to pay the tax thereby imposed is guilty of a violation of said articles and shall be subject to the penalties therein prescribed.


All moneys collected pursuant to this subsection (2) shall be transmitted to the state treasurer, as custodian, who shall credit the same to the subsequent injury fund and to the major medical insurance fund as determined by the director in accordance with subsection (3) of this section. Any interest earned on the investment or deposit of moneys in said funds shall remain in the funds and shall not revert to the general fund of the state at the end of any fiscal year.


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As determined by the director, a portion of the revenue received each year pursuant to subsection (2) of this section shall be deposited into the subsequent injury fund, established in section 8-46-101 (1)(b), and a portion shall be deposited into the major medical insurance fund, established in section 8-46-202 (1). In addition, the director may move revenue between the funds when the director determines that doing so is necessary. The director shall continue to establish a surcharge rate pursuant to subsection (2) of this section until the balance in both such funds is sufficient to meet the future claim payments plus the amount necessary to pay the direct and indirect costs of administration of the funds, at which time the surcharge rate established in paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of this section shall be reduced to zero.


For the purpose of determining the proper allocation of the surcharge and making the estimates contemplated in paragraph (a) of this subsection (3), the director shall contract for the services of qualified private actuaries.

Source: Section 8-46-102 — Funding for subsequent injury fund and major medical insurance fund, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-08.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 8-46-102’s source at colorado​.gov