C.R.S. Section 1-40-124


Intentionally left blank —Ed.


In accordance with section 1 (7.3) of article V of the state constitution, the director of research of the legislative council of the general assembly shall cause to be published at least one time in at least one legal publication of general circulation in each county of the state, compactly and without unnecessary spacing, in not less than eight-point standard type, a true copy of:


The title and text of each constitutional amendment, initiated or referred measure, or part of a measure, to be submitted to the people with the number and form in which the ballot title thereof will be printed in the official ballot; and


The text of each referred or initiated question arising under section 20 of article X of the state constitution, as defined in section 1-41-102 (3), to be submitted to the people with the number and form in which such question will be printed in the official ballot.


The publication may be in the form of a notice printed in a legal newspaper, as defined in sections 24-70-102 and 24-70-103 (1), C.R.S., or in the form of a publication that is printed separately and delivered as an insert in such a newspaper. The director of research of the legislative council may determine which form the publication will take in each legal newspaper. The director may negotiate agreements with one or more legal newspapers, or with any organization that represents such newspapers, to authorize the printing of a separate insert by one or more legal newspapers to be delivered by all of the legal newspapers participating in the agreement.


Where more than one legal newspaper is circulated in a county, the director of research of the legislative council shall select the newspaper or newspapers that will make the publication. In making such selection, the director shall consider the newspapers’ circulation and charges.


The amount paid for publication shall be determined by the executive committee of the legislative council and shall be based on available appropriations. In determining the amount, the executive committee may consider the newspaper’s then effective current lowest bulk comparable or general rate charged and the rate specified for legal newspapers in section 24-70-107, C.R.S. The director of research of the legislative council shall provide the legal newspapers selected to perform printing in accordance with this subsection (1) either complete slick proofs or mats of the title and text of the proposed constitutional amendment, initiated or referred measure, or part of a measure, and of the text of a referred or initiated question arising under section 20 of article X of the state constitution, as defined in section 1-41-102 (3), at least one week before the publication date.


If no legal newspaper is willing or able to print or distribute the publication in a particular county in accordance with the provisions of this subsection (1), the director of research of the legislative council shall assure compliance with the publication requirements of section 1 (7.3) of article V of the state constitution by causing the printing of additional inserts or legal notices in such manner and form as deemed necessary and by providing for their separate circulation in the county as widely as may be practicable. Such circulation may include making the publications available at government offices and other public facilities or private businesses. If sufficient funds are available for such purposes, the director may also contract for alternative methods of circulation or may cause circulation by mailing the publication to county residents. Any printing and circulation made in accordance with this paragraph (e) shall be deemed to be a legal publication of general circulation for purposes of section 1 (7.3) of article V of the state constitution.
(2)(Deleted by amendment, L. 95, p. 437, § 18, effective May 8, 1995.)

Source: Section 1-40-124 — Publication, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-01.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Legislative declaration
Applicability of article
Designated representatives
Filing procedure - review and comment meeting - amendments - filing with secretary of state
Initial fiscal impact statement - definition
Title board - meetings - ballot title - initiative and referendum - definitions
Single-subject requirements for initiated measures and referred constitutional amendments - legislative declaration
Rehearing - appeal - fees - signing
Petition - time of filing
Signatures required - withdrawal
Warning - ballot title
Signatures - affidavits - notarization - list of circulators and notaries
Circulators - requirements - training
Form - representatives of signers
Petitions - not election materials - no bilingual language requirement
Ballot - voting - publication
Validation - ballot issues - random sampling - rules
Statement of sufficiency - cure
Procedure for hearings
Filing in federal court
Designated representatives - expenditures related to petition circulation - report - penalty - definitions
Certification of ballot titles
Counting of votes - effective date - conflicting provisions
Ballot information booklet
Mailing to electors
Explanation of effect of “yes/for” or “no/against” vote included in notices provided by mailing or publication
Explanation of ballot titles and actual text of measures in notices provided by mailing or publication
Unlawful acts - penalty
Tampering with initiative or referendum petition
Retention of petitions
Withdrawal of initiative petition
Petition entities - requirements - definition
Bills enacted in the second regular session of the seventy-second general assembly that include an act subject to petition clause - legislative declaration
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 1-40-124’s source at colorado​.gov