C.R.S. Section 1-40-111

  • affidavits
  • notarization
  • list of circulators and notaries


Any initiative or referendum petition shall be signed only by registered electors who are eligible to vote on the measure. Each registered elector shall sign his or her own signature and shall print his or her name, the address at which he or she resides, including the street number and name, the city and town, the county, and the date of signing. Each registered elector signing a petition shall be encouraged by the circulator of the petition to sign the petition in ink. In the event a registered elector is physically disabled or is illiterate and wishes to sign the petition, the elector shall sign or make his or her mark in the space so provided. Any person, but not a circulator, may assist the disabled or illiterate elector in completing the remaining information required by this subsection (1). The person providing assistance shall sign his or her name and address and shall state that such assistance was given to the disabled or illiterate elector.


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To each petition section shall be attached a signed, notarized, and dated affidavit executed by the person who circulated the petition section, which shall include his or her printed name, the address at which he or she resides, including the street name and number, the city or town, the county, and the date he or she signed the affidavit; that he or she has read and understands the laws governing the circulation of petitions; that he or she was a citizen of the United States and at least eighteen years of age at the time the section of the petition was circulated and signed by the listed electors; that he or she circulated the section of the petition; that each signature thereon was affixed in the circulator’s presence; that each signature thereon is the signature of the person whose name it purports to be; that to the best of the circulator’s knowledge and belief each of the persons signing the petition section was, at the time of signing, a registered elector; that he or she has not paid or will not in the future pay and that he or she believes that no other person has paid or will pay, directly or indirectly, any money or other thing of value to any signer for the purpose of inducing or causing such signer to affix his or her signature to the petition; that he or she understands that he or she can be prosecuted for violating the laws governing the circulation of petitions, including the requirement that a circulator truthfully completed the affidavit and that each signature thereon was affixed in the circulator’s presence; and that he or she understands that failing to make himself or herself available to be deposed and to provide testimony in the event of a protest shall invalidate the petition section if it is challenged on the grounds of circulator fraud.


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A notary public shall not notarize an affidavit required pursuant to subsection (2)(a) of this section, unless:


The circulator is in the physical presence of the notary public; and


The circulator has dated the affidavit and fully and accurately completed all of the personal information on the affidavit required pursuant to subsection (2)(a) of this section.


An affidavit that is notarized in violation of any provision of subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (b) shall be invalid.


If the date signed by a circulator on an affidavit required pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) is different from the date signed by the notary public, the affidavit shall be invalid. If, notwithstanding sub-subparagraph (B) of subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (b), a notary public notarizes an affidavit that has not been dated by the circulator, the notarization date shall not cure the circulator’s failure to sign the affidavit and the affidavit shall be invalid.


The secretary of state shall reject any section of a petition that does not have attached thereto a valid notarized affidavit that complies with all of the requirements set forth in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection (2). Any signature added to a section of a petition after the affidavit has been executed shall be invalid.


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As part of any court proceeding or hearing conducted by the secretary of state related to a protest of all or part of a petition section, the circulator of such petition section shall be required to make himself or herself available to be deposed and to testify in person, by telephone, or by any other means permitted under the Colorado rules of civil procedure. Except as set forth in paragraph (b) of this subsection (3), the petition section that is the subject of the protest shall be invalid if a circulator fails to comply with the requirement set forth in this paragraph (a) for any protest that includes an allegation of circulator fraud that is pled with particularity regarding:


Forgery of a registered elector’s signature;


Circulation of a petition section, in whole or part, by anyone other than the person who signs the affidavit attached to the petition section;


Use of a false circulator name or address in the affidavit; or


Payment of money or other things of value to any person for the purpose of inducing the person to sign the petition.


Upon the finding by a district court or the secretary of state that the circulator of a petition section is unable to be deposed or to testify at trial or a hearing conducted by the secretary of state because the circulator has died, become mentally incompetent, or become medically incapacitated and physically unable to testify by any means whatsoever, the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection (3) shall not apply to invalidate a petition section circulated by the circulator.


The proponents of a petition or an issue committee acting on the proponents’ behalf shall maintain a list of the names and addresses of all circulators who circulated petition sections on behalf of the proponents and notaries public who notarized petition sections on behalf of the proponents and the petition section numbers that each circulator circulated and that each notary public notarized. A copy of the list shall be filed with the secretary of state along with the petition. If a copy of the list is not filed, the secretary of state shall prepare the list and charge the proponents a fee, which shall be determined and collected pursuant to section 24-21-104 (3), C.R.S., to cover the cost of the preparation. Once filed or prepared by the secretary of state, the list shall be a public record for purposes of article 72 of title 24, C.R.S.

Source: Section 1-40-111 — Signatures - affidavits - notarization - list of circulators and notaries, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-01.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Legislative declaration
Applicability of article
Designated representatives
Filing procedure - review and comment meeting - amendments - filing with secretary of state
Initial fiscal impact statement - definition
Title board - meetings - ballot title - initiative and referendum - definitions
Single-subject requirements for initiated measures and referred constitutional amendments - legislative declaration
Rehearing - appeal - fees - signing
Petition - time of filing
Signatures required - withdrawal
Warning - ballot title
Signatures - affidavits - notarization - list of circulators and notaries
Circulators - requirements - training
Form - representatives of signers
Petitions - not election materials - no bilingual language requirement
Ballot - voting - publication
Validation - ballot issues - random sampling - rules
Statement of sufficiency - cure
Procedure for hearings
Filing in federal court
Designated representatives - expenditures related to petition circulation - report - penalty - definitions
Certification of ballot titles
Counting of votes - effective date - conflicting provisions
Ballot information booklet
Mailing to electors
Explanation of effect of “yes/for” or “no/against” vote included in notices provided by mailing or publication
Explanation of ballot titles and actual text of measures in notices provided by mailing or publication
Unlawful acts - penalty
Tampering with initiative or referendum petition
Retention of petitions
Withdrawal of initiative petition
Petition entities - requirements - definition
Bills enacted in the second regular session of the seventy-second general assembly that include an act subject to petition clause - legislative declaration
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 1-40-111’s source at colorado​.gov