C.R.S. Section 1-7.5-201
Appointment of election judges for counting mail ballots


If the county clerk and recorder or designated election official has mailed or delivered mail ballots to five hundred or more electors, the county clerk and recorder or designated election official shall appoint, in addition to the voter service and polling center judges appointed to staff voter service and polling centers described in section 1-7.5-107, at least three counting judges, not more than two of whom shall be from any one major political party. For each additional five hundred mail ballots so mailed or delivered, the county clerk and recorder or designated election official may appoint additional counting judges as needed.


In all political subdivisions in which electronic or electromechanical voting systems are used, the county clerk and recorder or designated election official, for each five hundred mail ballots mailed or delivered, may appoint, in addition to the voter service and polling center judges appointed to staff voter service and polling centers as described in section 1-7.5-107, five counting judges, not more than three of whom shall be from any one major political party in a partisan election.


In political subdivisions to which this section applies and in the event that only two major political parties are represented, the county clerk and recorder or designated election official shall make the appointments so that one major political party is represented by a majority of election judges on the mail ballot receiving board and the other major political party is represented by a majority of election judges on the mail ballot counting board. The county clerk and recorder or designated election official shall appoint those electors certified by the county party chairpersons of the major political parties to the county clerk and recorder as mail ballot receiving judges and mail ballot counting judges. If an elector certified by a major political party is not willing or able to serve, then the major political party that certified the elector may certify a replacement judge to the county clerk and recorder. If the major political parties do not certify a sufficient number of mail ballot receiving and counting judges, the county clerk and recorder may appoint a sufficient number of qualified electors to serve as mail ballot receiving and counting judges.


In all political subdivisions to which this section applies, where the county clerk and recorder or designated election official has appointed one or more student election judges pursuant to article 6 of this title, the student election judge shall be appointed to serve as a judge for the purpose of counting mail ballots pursuant to this section; except that the student election judge need not satisfy any party affiliation required of election judges by this section.

Source: Section 1-7.5-201 — Appointment of election judges for counting mail ballots, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-01.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Short title
Legislative declaration
Mail ballot elections - applicability - optional for political subdivisions other than a county
Ballots and supplies for mail voting
Preelection process - rules
Secretary of state - duties and powers
Registration record - list of mail ballots
Procedures for conducting mail ballot election - primary elections - first-time voters casting a mail ballot after having registered by mail to vote - in-person request for ballot - return envelope requirements - repeal
Manner of early voting - securing ballots cast during early voting
Verification of signatures - rules
Counting mail ballots
Designation of inactive status in connection with mailing of mail ballots
Write-in candidates
Voting at group residential facilities
Voting at county jails or detention centers
Watchers at voter service and polling centers
Replacement ballots - ballots for new electors - ballots for electors who updated their records
Emergency voting - replacement ballots - electronic transfer - rules - definition
Appointment of election judges for counting mail ballots
Hours a counting place open for receiving and counting mail ballots
Delivery of mail ballots to supervisor judge
Preparing to count mail ballots - rejections
Counting mail ballots
Paper ballots or electronic system
Voter verification - mail ballot information
Certificate of mail ballots cast - survey of returns
Preservation of rejected mail ballots
Maintenance of mail ballot election voting records - transmittal of such records to secretary of state
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 1-7.5-201’s source at colorado​.gov