C.R.S. Section 10-11-201
Title insurance commission

  • creation
  • advisory body
  • appointment of members
  • meetings


There is hereby created in the division the title insurance commission. The commission is an advisory body to the commissioner concerning matters of title insurance. Nothing in this section divests the commissioner of his or her authority to regulate the business of insurance.


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The commission consists of nine members appointed by the governor as follows:


Three members shall be employees of title insurance companies with the following qualifications:


Each shall be a licensed employee of a title insurance company with not less than five years’ experience in title insurance business;


At least one shall be a representative of a title insurance company that has net admitted assets of five hundred million dollars or more; and


At least one shall be a representative of a title insurance company that has net admitted assets of less than five hundred million dollars.


Three members shall be employees of a title insurance agent with the following qualifications:


Each shall be a resident licensed title insurance agent with not less than five years’ experience in title insurance business in Colorado; and


To the greatest extent possible the commission shall reflect the geographic diversity of the state and have representation from members who reside or have their principal place of business within a standard metropolitan statistical area and members who reside or whose principal place of business is outside a standard metropolitan statistical area.


Three members shall represent the public at large, shall be residents of Colorado, and shall not be engaged in the business of title insurance. At least one of the three public at large members shall reside outside a standard metropolitan statistical area.


No more than one member of the commission may be appointed from a single company or an affiliate or subsidiary of a company.


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The terms of the members are for four years; except that the terms shall be staggered so that no more than five members’ terms expire in the same year. Members shall serve a maximum of two consecutive terms.


If a commission member’s employment or license status changes during the member’s term so that the member is no longer qualified to serve on the commission, or upon the death, resignation, removal, or incapacity of any member of the commission, the governor shall appoint a member to fill out the unexpired term. The members of the commission serve at the pleasure of the governor.


Members of the commission are not employees of the division and shall not receive compensation for service on the commission; except that a member may be reimbursed for mileage in excess of fifty miles from their principal place of business or residence to attend commission meetings.


Members of the commission shall annually select one member to serve as chair.


The chair of the commission may call meetings as necessary and may call additional meetings:


At the chair’s discretion;


Upon request of the commissioner; or


Upon the written request of three or more members.


The commission shall meet no less than four times per year and may meet no more than eight times per year.


Six members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The action of a majority of the members when a quorum is present is the action of the commission.


The division shall aid in the administration of the commission. The division may increase expenditures by no more than fifty thousand dollars for this purpose, but may direct existing appropriations available to the division pursuant to section 10-3-207 (1)(f)(I) to contribute to the implementation of the commission.


All meetings of the commission shall be open to the public pursuant to part 4 of article 6 of title 24, C.R.S. The records of the commission and its members shall be subject to the requirements of part 2 of article 72 of title 24, C.R.S.

Source: Section 10-11-201 — Title insurance commission - creation - advisory body - appointment of members - meetings, (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Short title
Compliance with article required
Corporate form required
Financial requirements prior to this article
Determination of insurability required
Unearned premium reserve
Amount of unearned premium reserve - release
Reserve for unpaid losses and loss expense
Net retained liability
Power to reinsure
Legal investments and admitted assets
Prior investments
Title insurance agents licensed
Title insurance agents - certain names prohibited
Title insurance - rules
Laws applicable
Corporate existence preserved
Application of article - other laws applicable
Title commitments - rules
Notification of severed mineral estates
Affiliated business arrangements - rules - investigative information shared with division of real estate
Fees, salaries, compensation, or other payments
Affiliated business arrangements - enforcement - penalties
Fiduciary responsibilities of title insurance entities - definition of fiduciary funds - deceptive act or practice - rules
Title insurance commission - creation - advisory body - appointment of members - meetings
Powers, duties, and functions - recommendations on rules
Repeal of part
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 10-11-201’s source at