Section 11-109-202
Offices of trust companies
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Each trust company shall have and continuously maintain a principal office in this state.(b)
Each executive officer at the principal office is an agent of the trust company for service of process.(c)
A trust company may change its principal office to any location within this state by filing a written notice with the banking board. The written notice shall contain:(I)
The name of the trust company;(II)
The street address of its principal office before the change;(III)
The street address to which the principal office is to be changed; and(IV)
A copy of the resolution authorizing the change adopted by the board of directors of the trust company.(d)
The change of principal office shall take effect on the thirty-first day after the date the banking board receives the notice pursuant to paragraph (c) of this subsection (1), unless:(I)
The banking board establishes an earlier or later date; or(II)
Prior to such day the banking board notifies the trust company that the trust company shall establish, to the satisfaction of the banking board, that the relocation is consistent with the original determination made under section 11-109-306 for the establishment of a trust company at that location, in which event the change of principal office shall take effect when approved by the commissioner.(2)
A trust company may act as a fiduciary and engage in a trust business at each trust office as permitted by this article.(3)
A trust company may not act as a fiduciary but may otherwise engage in a trust business at a representative trust office as permitted by this article.(4)
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A trust company may establish or acquire and maintain trust offices or representative trust offices anywhere in this state.(b)
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A trust company desiring to establish or acquire and maintain an additional office shall file a written notice with the banking board. The written notice shall contain the following:(A)
The name of the trust company;(B)
The location of the proposed additional office; and(C)
Information indicating whether the additional office will be a trust office or a representative trust office.(II)
The trust company shall also furnish a copy of the resolution authorizing the additional office adopted by the board of directors of the trust company and shall pay the filing fee, if any, prescribed by the banking board.(c)
The trust company may commence business at the additional office on the thirty-first day after the date the banking board receives the notice, unless the banking board specifies an earlier or later date.(d)
The thirty-day period of review may be extended by the banking board on a determination that the written notice raises issues that require additional information or additional time for analysis. If the period of review is extended, the trust company may establish the additional office only on prior written approval by the banking board.(e)
The banking board may deny approval of the additional office if the banking board finds that the trust company lacks sufficient financial resources to undertake the proposed expansion without adversely affecting its safety or soundness or that establishment of the proposed office would be contrary to the public interest.(5)
A trust company chartered by a state other than Colorado may establish and maintain a trust office or representative trust office anywhere in this state if the establishment and operation of such office is authorized expressly by rules promulgated by the banking board for that purpose. The out-of-state trust company must provide to the banking board notice of its intent to open an office at least sixty days before opening such office for business.
Section 11-109-202 — Offices of trust companies, https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-11.pdf
(accessed Dec. 24, 2024).