C.R.S. Section 11-41-129
Amendment of articles of incorporation


Except as provided in section 11-41-130.5, if the holders of at least one-third of the outstanding voting stock or shares of any association request, in writing, the president or other head officer thereof to call a meeting of stockholders or shareholders of such association for the purpose of considering a proposed amendment to the articles of incorporation of such association, setting forth in such written request the substance of each proposed amendment, or if the board of directors of any association votes to submit to the stockholders or shareholders thereof a proposed amendment to the articles of incorporation of such association, the president or secretary of the association forthwith shall call a special meeting of the voting stockholders or shareholders of such association for the purpose of considering said proposed amendment for a time not less than thirty nor more than sixty days thereafter. In the event that the request for a meeting of stockholders or shareholders to consider a proposed amendment of the articles of incorporation is presented within ninety days prior to the date of the next annual meeting of the stockholders or shareholders of the association or in the event that the amendment is proposed by the board of directors of the association, the board of directors may cause such proposed amendment to be submitted for consideration at such next annual meeting, or at an adjourned session thereof, rather than at a special meeting of stockholders or shareholders called for such purpose.


If at any such meeting the proposed amendment to the articles of incorporation of such association receives the affirmative vote of the majority, but in the case of associations having stock issued pursuant to section 11-42-107 two-thirds, or such greater amount as may be required by the articles of incorporation, or any amendment thereto, of the stock or shares of each class outstanding having voting power, such amendment shall be deemed adopted; but, where necessary for any association to increase its authorized permanent stock to conform to the requirements of said section 11-42-107, the affirmative vote of a majority of such stock or shares shall be required.


If any proposed amendment to the articles of incorporation would alter or change the preference given to any one or more classes of shares or stock or would convert the stock into shares or shares into stock, the holders of each class of stock or shares so affected by said amendment shall be entitled to vote as a class upon such amendment, whether by the terms of the articles of incorporation such class is entitled to vote or not, and the affirmative vote of the holders of the majority, but in the case of associations having stock issued pursuant to section 11-42-107 two-thirds, of the amount of each class of stock or shares outstanding so affected by the amendment shall be necessary to the adoption thereof, as well as the affirmative vote of the holders of the majority, but in the case of associations having stock issued pursuant to section 11-42-107 two-thirds, of all classes of stock or shares outstanding having voting power.


A certificate setting forth such amendment and the adoption thereof, signed by the president or vice-president of such association, verified by his affidavit, and attested by the secretary or assistant secretary thereof, with the seal of the association thereunto affixed, shall be submitted together with the fee established by the commissioner to the commissioner for his approval or disapproval, and, if he approves, he shall cause a certificate of approval to be attached to said proposed amendment, and then the same shall be filed in the same manner as articles of incorporation, and thereafter said amendment shall be in full force and effect to the same extent, except as provided in section 11-41-130.5, as if the same had been included in the original articles of incorporation. No amendment to the articles of incorporation shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state of the state of Colorado or received by the secretary of state unless a certificate of approval by the commissioner is attached thereto.


Except as provided in section 11-41-130.5, any association organized under the laws of this state, from time to time, may amend its articles of incorporation by increasing or decreasing its authorized stock or shares or reclassifying the same, or by changing the number, designation, preference, relation, or participating or other special rights of shares or stock or the qualifications, limitations, or restrictions of such rights, or by changing its corporate title, or by making any other change or alteration in its articles of incorporation that may be desired, if such articles of incorporation, as so amended, contain only such provisions as it would be lawful and proper to insert in original articles of incorporation made at the time of making such amendment. Except as provided in section 11-41-130.5, no association by any amendment shall so change its articles of incorporation as to work a change in the objects or purposes for which the association was originally organized.

Source: Section 11-41-129 — Amendment of articles of incorporation, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-11.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

General organization
Restriction on corporate name
Use of name “savings and loan association” restricted
Articles of incorporation
Minimum stock subscription - issuance of preferred stock
Approval of articles of incorporation
Documents deposited with commissioner
Refusal of certificate - appeal
Certificate of approval - where articles filed
Body corporate
Renewal of corporate life
Powers of savings and loan associations
Savings and loan association as fiduciary
Federal home loan bank membership
How funds invested
Interest rates on loans
Where associations may operate
Insurance of shares
Insurance of obligations
Loans - investment in notes or bonds
Loans to members and other loans
Merger, consolidation, and transfer
Membership fees
Directors and meetings
Officers or directors to receive no commission
Loans to officers and directors
Bonds of officers
Violations - penalties
Amendment of articles of incorporation
Cessation of business as an association - amendment of articles
Escheat proceedings
Acquisition of majority control over an existing association - definitions
Indemnification and personal liability of directors, officers, employees, and agents - legislative declaration
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 11-41-129’s source at colorado​.gov