Legislative declaration 12‑150‑102
Applicability of common provisions 12‑150‑103
Definitions 12‑150‑104
Passenger tramway safety board - composition 12‑150‑105
Powers and duties of board - rules 12‑150‑106
Responsibilities of area operators 12‑150‑107
Disciplinary action - administrative sanctions - grounds 12‑150‑108
Orders - enforcement 12‑150‑109
Disciplinary proceedings 12‑150‑110
Passenger tramway licensing required 12‑150‑111
Application for new construction or major modification 12‑150‑112
Application for licensing 12‑150‑113
Licensing of passenger tramways 12‑150‑114
Licensing and certification fees 12‑150‑115
Inspections and investigations - costs - reports - rules 12‑150‑116
Emergency shutdown 12‑150‑117
Provisions in lieu of others 12‑150‑118
Governmental immunity 12‑150‑119
Confidentiality of reports and other materials 12‑150‑120
Repeal of article - subject to review
Legislative declaration 12‑150‑102
Applicability of common provisions 12‑150‑103
Definitions 12‑150‑104
Passenger tramway safety board - composition 12‑150‑105
Powers and duties of board - rules 12‑150‑106
Responsibilities of area operators 12‑150‑107
Disciplinary action - administrative sanctions - grounds 12‑150‑108
Orders - enforcement 12‑150‑109
Disciplinary proceedings 12‑150‑110
Passenger tramway licensing required 12‑150‑111
Application for new construction or major modification 12‑150‑112
Application for licensing 12‑150‑113
Licensing of passenger tramways 12‑150‑114
Licensing and certification fees 12‑150‑115
Inspections and investigations - costs - reports - rules 12‑150‑116
Emergency shutdown 12‑150‑117
Provisions in lieu of others 12‑150‑118
Governmental immunity 12‑150‑119
Confidentiality of reports and other materials 12‑150‑120
Repeal of article - subject to review