C.R.S. Section 12-240-131
Peer health assistance program

(1)(a)(I) As a condition of physician, physician assistant, and anesthesiologist assistant licensure and renewal in this state, every applicant shall pay, pursuant to subsection (1)(d) of this section, an amount set by the board, not to exceed sixty-one dollars per year, which maximum amount may be adjusted on January 1, 2011, and annually thereafter by the board to reflect:


Changes in the United States department of labor, bureau of labor statistics, consumer price index for Denver-Aurora-Lakewood for all urban consumers, all goods, or its successor index;


Overall utilization of the program; and


Differences in program utilization by physicians, physician assistants, and anesthesiologist assistants.


Based on differences in utilization rates between physicians, physician assistants, and anesthesiologist assistants, the board may establish different fee amounts for physicians, physician assistants, and anesthesiologist assistants.


The fee imposed pursuant to this subsection (1)(a) is to support designated providers that have been selected by the board to provide assistance to physicians, physician assistants, and anesthesiologist assistants needing help in dealing with physical, emotional, or psychological problems that may be detrimental to their ability to practice medicine, practice as a physician assistant, or practice as an anesthesiologist assistant, as applicable.


The board shall select one or more peer health assistance programs as designated providers. To be eligible for designation by the board, a peer health assistance program must:


Provide for the education of physicians, physician assistants, and anesthesiologist assistants with respect to the recognition and prevention of physical, emotional, and psychological problems and provide for intervention when necessary or under circumstances that may be established by rules promulgated by the board;


Offer assistance to a physician, physician assistant, or anesthesiologist assistant in identifying physical, emotional, or psychological problems;


Evaluate the extent of physical, emotional, or psychological problems and refer the physician, physician assistant, or anesthesiologist assistant for appropriate treatment;


Monitor the status of a physician, physician assistant, or anesthesiologist assistant who has been referred for treatment;


Provide counseling and support for the physician, physician assistant, or anesthesiologist assistant and for the family of any physician, physician assistant, or anesthesiologist assistant referred for treatment;


Agree to receive referrals from the board;


Agree to make their services available to all licensed Colorado physicians, licensed Colorado physician assistants, and licensed Colorado anesthesiologist assistants.


The administering entity shall be a qualified, nonprofit private foundation that is qualified under section 501 (c)(3) of the federal “Internal Revenue Code of 1986”, as amended, and shall be dedicated to providing support for charitable, benevolent, educational, and scientific purposes that are related to medicine, medical education, medical research and science, and other medical charitable purposes.


The responsibilities of the administering entity are:


To collect the required annual payments, either directly or through the board pursuant to subsection (1)(e) of this section;


To verify to the board, in a manner acceptable to the board, the names of all physician, physician assistant, and anesthesiologist assistant applicants who have paid the fee set by the board;


To distribute the money collected, less expenses, to the approved designated provider, as directed by the board;


To provide an annual accounting to the board of all amounts collected, expenses incurred, and amounts disbursed; and


To post a surety performance bond in an amount specified by the board to secure performance under the requirements of this section. The administering entity may recover the actual administrative costs incurred in performing its duties under this section in an amount not to exceed ten percent of the total amount collected.


The board may collect the required annual payments payable to the administering entity for the benefit of the administering entity and shall transfer all payments to the administering entity. All required annual payments collected by or due to the board for each fiscal year are custodial funds that are not subject to appropriation by the general assembly, and the distribution of the payments to the administering entity or expenditure of the payments by the administering entity does not constitute state fiscal year spending for purposes of section 20 of article X of the state constitution.


Nothing in this section creates any liability on the board or the state of Colorado for the actions of the board in making grants to peer assistance programs, and no civil action may be brought or maintained against the board or the state for an injury alleged to have been the result of the activities of any state-funded peer assistance program or the result of an act or omission of a physician, physician assistant, or anesthesiologist assistant participating in or referred by a state-funded peer assistance program.

Source: Section 12-240-131 — Peer health assistance program, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-12.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

Short title
Legislative declaration
Applicability of common provisions
Colorado medical board - immunity - subject to review - repeal of article
Powers and duties of board - limitation on authority - rules
Practice of medicine defined - exemptions from licensing requirements - unauthorized practice by physician assistants and anesthesiologist assistants - penalties - definitions - rules
Collaboration with advanced practice registered nurses and certified midwives with prescriptive authority - mentorships
Child health associates - scope of practice
Qualifications for licensure
Distinguished foreign teaching physician license - qualifications - rules
Anesthesiologist assistant license - qualifications
Physician assistant license - qualifications
International medical graduates - degree equivalence
Physician assistants - collaboration requirements - proof of practice hours from another jurisdiction - liability - definitions
Applications for license
Licensing panel
Issuance of licenses - prior practice prohibited
Pro bono license - qualifications - reduced fee - rules
Reentry license - period of inactivity - international medical graduate - competency assessment - board rules - conversion to full license
Refusal of license - issuance subject to probation
Unprofessional conduct - definitions
Prescriptions - requirement to advise patients
Prescriptions - limitations
Prescribing opiate antagonists
Disciplinary action by board - rules
Confidential agreements to limit practice
Appeal of final board actions
Physician training licenses
Intern, resident, or fellow reporting
Renewal, reinstatement, delinquency - fees - questionnaire
Peer health assistance program
Division of fees - independent advertising or marketing agent - definition
Recovery of fees illegally paid
Liability of persons other than licensee
Unauthorized practice - penalties - injunctive relief
Existing licenses
Postmortem examinations by licensee - definition - application of this section
Professional service corporations, limited liability companies, and registered limited liability partnerships for the practice of medicine - definitions
Injuries to be reported - penalty for failure to report - immunity from liability - definitions
Determination of death
Inactive license
Protection of medical records - licensee’s obligations - verification of compliance - noncompliance grounds for discipline - rules
Medical marijuana recommendations - guidelines
Licensee duties relating to assistance animals - definitions
Prescription medications - financial benefit for prescribing prohibited
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 12-240-131’s source at colorado​.gov