C.R.S. Section 12-240-128
Physician training licenses


Any person serving an approved internship, residency, or fellowship, as defined by this article 240, in a hospital in this state may do so for an aggregate period of up to six years under the authority of a physician training license issued pursuant to this section and without a license to practice medicine issued pursuant to section 12-240-110 or 12-240-114.


No person shall be granted a physician training license unless the person meets the following criteria:


The person has been accepted into and demonstrates the intention to participate in an approved internship, residency, or fellowship, as defined by this article 240; and


The person is not otherwise licensed to practice medicine in this state.


The board may refrain from issuing a physician training license, or may grant a physician training license subject to terms or probation, for any of the reasons listed in section 12-240-120 (1)(a), (1)(b), or (1)(c). An applicant whose physician training license is denied or is granted subject to terms of probation may seek review pursuant to section 24-4-104 (9); except that, if an applicant accepts a physician training license that is subject to terms of probation, acceptance shall be in lieu of and not in addition to the remedies set forth in section 24-4-104 (9).


Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, the board shall issue a physician training license upon receipt of a statement from the approved internship, residency, or fellowship program stating that the applicant meets the criteria set forth in subsection (2) of this section and that the approved internship, residency, or fellowship accepts responsibility for the applicant’s training while in the program. The statement shall be signed by the program director, clinical director, or other physician responsible for the training of the applicant. The statement shall be submitted to the board no later than thirty days prior to the date on which the applicant begins the approved internship, residency, or fellowship in this state.


Where feasible, the applicant shall submit a completed application, on a form approved by the board, on or before the date on which the applicant begins the approved internship, residency, or fellowship in this state. Any physician training license granted pursuant to this section shall expire if a completed application is not received by the board sixty days after the applicant begins the approved internship, residency, or fellowship in this state. The board may establish and charge an application and renewal fee not to exceed fifty dollars for physician training licenses pursuant to section 12-20-105. Applicants and renewal applicants shall not be required to pay any fee pursuant to section 12-240-131.


Except as otherwise provided in this section, a physician training license shall be subject to renewal as set forth in section 12-240-130 (1) and (2). In no event shall any person hold a Colorado physician training license for more than an aggregate period of six years.


A physician training licensee may practice medicine as defined by this article 240 with the following restrictions:


A physician training licensee shall be authorized to practice medicine only under the supervision of a physician licensed to practice medicine pursuant to section 12-240-110 or 12-240-114 and only as necessary for the physician training licensee’s participation in the approved internship, residency, or fellowship designated on the licensee’s application for a physician training license.


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A physician training license shall expire:


Within sixty days under the circumstances described in subsection (5) of this section;


At the time the physician training licensee ceases to participate in the approved internship, residency, or fellowship program identified on the licensee’s application form; or


At the time the physician training licensee obtains any other license to practice medicine issued by the board.


If a physician training licensee entered an approved internship, residency, or fellowship other than the approved internship, residency, or fellowship indicated on the licensee’s application, the licensee shall file a new application with the board pursuant to subsections (4) and (5) of this section.


A physician training licensee shall not:


Delegate the rendering of medical services to a person who is not licensed to practice medicine pursuant to section 12-240-107 (3)(l); or


Enter into a collaborative agreement with physician assistants as described in sections 12-240-107 (6) and 12-240-114.5.


The issuance of a physician training license shall not be construed to require the board to issue the physician training licensee a license to practice medicine pursuant to section 12-240-110 or 12-240-114.


A physician training licensee may be disciplined for unprofessional conduct as defined in section 12-240-121, pursuant to the procedures outlined in section 12-240-125.


Licensed physicians responsible for the supervision of interns, residents, or fellows in graduate training programs shall report to the board no later than thirty days after a physician training licensee has been terminated or has resigned from the approved internship, residency, or fellowship.

Source: Section 12-240-128 — Physician training licenses, (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Short title
Legislative declaration
Applicability of common provisions
Colorado medical board - immunity - subject to review - repeal of article
Powers and duties of board - limitation on authority - rules
Practice of medicine defined - exemptions from licensing requirements - unauthorized practice by physician assistants and anesthesiologist assistants - penalties - definitions - rules
Collaboration with advanced practice registered nurses and certified midwives with prescriptive authority - mentorships
Child health associates - scope of practice
Qualifications for licensure
Distinguished foreign teaching physician license - qualifications - rules
Anesthesiologist assistant license - qualifications
Physician assistant license - qualifications
International medical graduates - degree equivalence
Physician assistants - collaboration requirements - proof of practice hours from another jurisdiction - liability - definitions
Applications for license
Licensing panel
Issuance of licenses - prior practice prohibited
Pro bono license - qualifications - reduced fee - rules
Reentry license - period of inactivity - international medical graduate - competency assessment - board rules - conversion to full license
Refusal of license - issuance subject to probation
Unprofessional conduct - definitions
Prescriptions - requirement to advise patients
Prescriptions - limitations
Prescribing opiate antagonists
Disciplinary action by board - rules
Confidential agreements to limit practice
Appeal of final board actions
Physician training licenses
Intern, resident, or fellow reporting
Renewal, reinstatement, delinquency - fees - questionnaire
Peer health assistance program
Division of fees - independent advertising or marketing agent - definition
Recovery of fees illegally paid
Liability of persons other than licensee
Unauthorized practice - penalties - injunctive relief
Existing licenses
Postmortem examinations by licensee - definition - application of this section
Professional service corporations, limited liability companies, and registered limited liability partnerships for the practice of medicine - definitions
Injuries to be reported - penalty for failure to report - immunity from liability - definitions
Determination of death
Inactive license
Protection of medical records - licensee’s obligations - verification of compliance - noncompliance grounds for discipline - rules
Medical marijuana recommendations - guidelines
Licensee duties relating to assistance animals - definitions
Prescription medications - financial benefit for prescribing prohibited
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 12-240-128’s source at