C.R.S. Section 17-27.9-102
Specialized restitution and community service programs

  • contract with treatment providers
  • division of criminal justice


The director of the division of criminal justice in the department of public safety may, pursuant to section 17-27-108, contract with one or more public or private providers or community corrections boards, as defined in section 17-27-102 (2), who operate restitution and community service facilities, to provide specialized restitution and community service programs that meet the requirements of this section. As used in this article 27.9, such providers are referred to as “providers”. The behavioral health administration in the department of human services shall approve any entity that provides treatment for substance use disorders pursuant to article 80 of title 27.


Any contract entered into for a specialized restitution and community service program pursuant to this section shall meet the following criteria:


The goals of the program shall include, but shall not be limited to:


A level of supervision for each offender appropriate to ensure public safety;


The reimbursement to the victim and to society for the damage caused by the offender’s crime through restitution and community service performed by the offender;


The reduction of any substance abuse by any offender placed in the program, with the ultimate goal of abstinence from the use of drugs or alcohol by each such offender;


The reduction of recidivism by offenders who have completed the program;


The development of employment skills and the attainment of meaningful employment by any offender placed in the program;


The use of peer support and accountability for any offender placed in the program, and the continuation of services and ongoing participation in the program to maintain the offender’s progress;


The enhancement of the educational skills of any offender placed in the program, including the enhancement of self-care and self-sufficiency capabilities.


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The program shall consist of three phases as follows:


The first phase shall be intensive residential treatment;


The second phase shall consist of residential treatment in conjunction with gradual reentry into the community;


The third phase shall consist of nonresidential treatment.


The first and second phases may continue for up to nine months, and the third phase may continue for up to twelve months or longer if restitution and community service have not been completed. The degree of supervision during the third phase shall be designed to decrease in intensity as the offender responds to the program and becomes substantially reestablished in the community.


Victim restitution and community service shall be a primary emphasis in the second and third phases.

Source: Section 17-27.9-102 — Specialized restitution and community service programs - contract with treatment providers - division of criminal justice, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-17.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 17-27.9-102’s source at colorado​.gov