C.R.S. Section 17-27.9-104
Contracts with providers

  • amounts
  • loans


Any provider who contracts with the executive director of the department of public safety to provide specialized restitution and community service programs pursuant to section 17-27.9-102 shall be reimbursed on a per diem rate for residential supervision and a monthly rate for nonresidential supervision which rate shall be the final rate proposed by the provider during the competitive bidding process.


Any offender who has the ability to pay all or any part of the cost of the offender’s treatment and room and board pursuant to this article through assets or through any employment during the second or third phase of the program shall be ordered to make such payments to the provider. Any moneys collected by the provider pursuant to this subsection (2) shall be used to offset payments made to the provider pursuant to subsection (1) of this section. The amount of any such payments shall be set by the probation department after considering the offender’s expenses for family support, victim restitution, and other living expenses.


Any provider who contracts with the executive director of the department of public safety to provide specialized restitution and community service programs pursuant to section 17-27.9-102 may use the payments which such provider receives pursuant to this section to match federal or private grants in order to fund the provision of additional specialized restitution and community service programs, so long as matching such grants does not cause a reduction in the available bed space and so long as matching such grants does not bind the general assembly to fund such programs in future years.

Source: Section 17-27.9-104 — Contracts with providers - amounts - loans, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-17.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 17-27.9-104’s source at colorado​.gov