C.R.S. Section 22-1-102
Residence of child


Every public school shall be open for the admission of all children, between the ages of five and twenty-one years, residing in that district without the payment of tuition. The board of education shall have power to admit adults and children not residing in the district if it sees fit to do so and to fix the terms of such admission.


A child shall be deemed to reside in a school district if:


Both his or her parents, or the survivor of them, or the one of them with whom such child resides a majority of the time pursuant to an order of any court of competent jurisdiction resides in the school district;


The legally appointed guardian of his person resides in the school district;


After emancipation by his parents, or the survivor thereof, from their or his control, and he has no guardian, he lives within the school district;


In the judgment of the board of education of the school district wherein the child lives, the child has been abandoned by his parents;


The child has become permanently dependent for his maintenance and support on someone other than his nonresident parents, or upon any charitable organization, if the dependent child is actually to make his home and receive his support within the school district where he desires to attend;


If one of the child’s parents or the guardian of his person is a public officer or employee living temporarily for the performance of his duties in a school district other than that of his residence. Unless the parents of a child are permanently separated, the residence of the husband shall be deemed to be the residence of the child, but, if the parents have permanently separated, the residence of the child shall be that of the parent with whom the child actually lives.


Regardless of the residence of the parents, if any, the child adopts a dwelling place within the district with the intent to remain there indefinitely and with the intent not to return to the dwelling place from which he came, and regularly eats or sleeps there, or both, during the entire school year as defined in section 22-1-112; but the child shall be deemed not to have the requisite intent if he regularly returns to another dwelling place during summer vacations or weekends;


The child is found to be homeless pursuant to the provisions of section 22-1-102.5 and the child presently seeks shelter or is located in the school district; except that a homeless child shall be deemed to reside in another school district if the child attended school in such school district at the time the child became homeless, the child remains homeless, the affected school districts find that attendance in such other school district is in the best interests of the child pursuant to section 22-33-103.5, and the child chooses to continue attendance in such other school district;


The child is found to have become homeless pursuant to the provisions of section 22-1-102.5 during a period that school is not in session, the child remains homeless, and the child presently seeks shelter or is located in the school district; except that the child shall be deemed to reside in another school district if the child attended school in such school district immediately prior to the time the child became homeless, the child remains homeless, the affected school districts find that attendance in such other school district is in the best interests of the child pursuant to section 22-33-103.5, and the child chooses to continue attendance in such other school district; or


The child is a student in out-of-home placement, as defined in section 22-32-138, but is enrolled in a school of origin, as defined in section 22-32-138, other than an approved facility school, as defined in section 22-2-402, or a state-licensed day treatment facility and was considered a resident of the school district at the time the child became a student in out-of-home placement or at the time of enrollment in the school of origin, whichever is most recent.


School districts shall follow the procedures specified in section 22-33-103.5 in determining where a homeless child shall attend school and the educational services provided to homeless children.

Source: Section 22-1-102 — Residence of child, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-22.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Schools defined
Residence of child
Definition of homeless child
Policy of state to instruct in English - exceptions
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Pupils to be instructed
Federal constitution to be taught
Taught at what stages
Effect of use of alcohol and controlled substances to be taught
School year - national holidays
Statements from private schools
School census - school age
School children - sight and hearing tests
Secret fraternities forbidden
School board to enforce
Students - dispensing of drugs to - liability
Policy for employee and agent possession and administration of opiate antagonists - definitions
Policy for employee and agent furnishing non-laboratory synthetic opiate detection tests - definition
Policy for student possession and administration of prescription medication - rules - definitions
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Nonpublic schools - employment of personnel - notification by department of education
Transportation token program - legislative declaration - eligibility - fund
Protection of student data - parental or legal guardian consent for surveys
Sex offender information
Requirement for certification of public school athletic coaches in cardiopulmonary resuscitation - use of automated external defibrillators - definitions
Safe2tell program
Incentives for school enrollment or attendance - prohibited - exceptions - definitions
Comprehensive human sexuality education - legislative declaration - definitions - guidelines and content standards
Instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of automated external defibrillators - grants - definitions - rules
Instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of automated external defibrillators - guidelines and content standards - definition
Notice to parents of alleged criminal conduct by school employees - legislative declaration - definitions
Online instruction - student protections - short title - definitions
Seizure safe schools - action plan - training - rules - short title - definitions
Prohibition on use of American Indian mascots - exemptions - definitions
Hunter education course - gifts, grants, or donations - definitions
Terms and conditions in public school contracts - definitions
Nondisclosure agreements - protection of school district, board of cooperative services, and public school employees - definitions
Student identification cards - information required
Information collected and posted on department website
Accessible district profile reports - school climate reports and surveys - reporting - definition
Corporal punishment prohibited - definition
Legal representation - due process complaints - appointments - report - definitions - repeal
Tribal regalia at school graduation ceremonies - definitions
Harassment or discrimination - policy required - training and notification - definitions
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2025

§ 22-1-102’s source at colorado​.gov