C.R.S. Section 22-1-104
Teaching of history, culture, and civil government


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The history and civil government of the United States and of the state of Colorado, which includes the history, culture, and social contributions of minorities, including but not limited to American Indians, Latinos, African Americans, and Asian Americans, the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals within these minority groups, and the intersectionality of significant social and cultural features within these communities, and the contributions and persecution of religious minorities, must be taught in all the public schools of the state.


In addition to the requirements specified in subsection (1)(a) of this section, courses for teaching the civil government of the United States and of the state of Colorado must include instruction on:


The three branches of government and how they interact; an understanding of how laws are enacted at the federal, state, and local government levels; and the methods by which citizens shape and influence government and governmental actions;


The formation and development of the governments of the United States and the state of Colorado using federal and state foundational documents and the significance and relevance of those foundational documents in modern society. At a minimum, this instruction must include:


The historical and modern significance of the declaration of independence;


How the United States constitution establishes the federal government and the characteristics of the republic that it creates;


How the Colorado constitution establishes the state government and its relationship to local governments in the state;


How the United States constitution with the bill of rights and the state bill of rights in article II of the state constitution are applicable in modern society;


How the United States constitution is amended and the changes that have been made to it since 1787;


How the Colorado constitution is amended and the changes that have been made to it since 1876;


How other foundational documents of the United States and Colorado, including landmark United States supreme court decisions and significant Colorado supreme court decisions, aided in the formation and have subsequently affected the development of the United States and Colorado governments; and


How to engage with federal, state, and local governments and how to engage with public officials.


Notwithstanding the requirement in section 22-7-1005 (6) to review the preschool through elementary and secondary education standards every six years, as soon as is practicable after September 7, 2021, the state board of education shall review the civics portion of the social studies standards and revise them as necessary to comply with the requirements of subsection (1)(b) of this section. The state board of education shall take into consideration any recommendations of the history, culture, social contributions, and civil government in education commission established in section 22-1-104.3 in reviewing the civics standards pursuant to this subsection (1)(c).


Each public school and school district is encouraged to partner with local service organizations to solicit donations to improve the quality of the civics education program that the public school or school district provides. Donations may be used to pay the cost of developing a high-quality curriculum, inviting speakers to interact with students, and providing students with opportunities for civics learning and engagement outside of the classroom.


Satisfactory completion of a course on the civil government of the United States and the state of Colorado, including the subjects described in subsection (1) of this section, is a condition of high school graduation in the public schools of this state.


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In an effort to increase civic participation among young people, each school district board of education shall convene a community forum on a periodic basis, but not less than once every six years, for all interested persons to discuss adopted content standards in civics, including the subjects described in subsection (1) of this section. The history, culture, social contributions, and civil government in education commission established in section 22-1-104.3 shall actively participate in any such forums.


Based upon input from this community forum, each school district board of education shall determine how the subject areas specified in subsection (1) of this section are addressed when establishing graduation requirements.


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In an effort to strengthen the teaching of the history, culture, social contributions, and civil government of the state of Colorado and of the United States in all public schools of the state in accordance with the requirements of this section, the department of education, in conjunction with the history, culture, social contributions, and civil government in education commission established in section 22-1-104.3, shall assist the school districts of the state in developing and promoting programs for elementary and secondary students that engage the students in the process of discovery and interpretation of the subjects and topics set forth in subsection (1) of this section.


The department of education is authorized to accept gifts, grants, and donations in furtherance of the objectives specified in subsection (4)(a) of this section.


It is the intent of the general assembly that the objectives specified in subsection (4)(a) of this section are funded through the state education fund created in section 17 (4) of article IX of the state constitution. The general assembly hereby finds that the development, promotion, and maintenance by the school districts of the state of programs for elementary and secondary students that engage such students in the process of discovery and interpretation of the subjects and topics set forth in subsection (1) of this section assist these students in meeting state academic standards and may therefore be funded from money in the state education fund.


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In an effort to strengthen the teaching of history, culture, social contributions, and civil government, as described in subsection (1) of this section, in all public schools of the state in accordance with the requirements of this section, the department of education, in conjunction with the history, culture, social contributions, and civil government in education commission established in section 22-1-104.3, shall assist the school districts of the state in developing and promoting programs for elementary and secondary students that address the state model content standards for history and civics and promote best practices while also addressing the subjects and topics described in subsection (1) of this section.


It is the intent of the general assembly that the objectives specified in this subsection (5) are funded through the state education fund created in section 17 (4) of article IX of the state constitution. The general assembly hereby finds that the development, promotion, and maintenance by the school districts of the state of programs for elementary and secondary students that address the state model content standards for history and civics and promote best practices while addressing the subjects and topics described in subsection (1) of this section assist these students in meeting state academic standards and may therefore be funded from money in the state education fund.


The state board of education shall take into consideration any recommendations of the history, culture, social contributions, and civil government in education commission established in section 22-1-104.3 when performing its six-year review of the state’s education standards pursuant to section 22-7-1005 (6).

Source: Section 22-1-104 — Teaching of history, culture, and civil government, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-22.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Schools defined
Residence of child
Definition of homeless child
Policy of state to instruct in English - exceptions
Teaching of history, culture, and civil government
History, culture, social contributions, and civil government in education commission - established - membership - duties
Teaching of visual arts and performing arts - definitions
Teaching of Holocaust and genocide studies - definitions
Information as to honor and use of flag
Pupils to be instructed
Federal constitution to be taught
Taught at what stages
Effect of use of alcohol and controlled substances to be taught
School year - national holidays
Statements from private schools
School census - school age
School children - sight and hearing tests
Secret fraternities forbidden
School board to enforce
Students - dispensing of drugs to - liability
Policy for employee and agent possession and administration of opiate antagonists - definitions
Policy for employee and agent furnishing non-laboratory synthetic opiate detection tests - definition
Policy for student possession and administration of prescription medication - rules - definitions
Asthma, food allergy, and anaphylaxis health management - self-administered medication - staff-administered medication - rules - definitions
Rights of free expression for public school students
Nonpublic schools - employment of personnel - notification by department of education
Transportation token program - legislative declaration - eligibility - fund
Protection of student data - parental or legal guardian consent for surveys
Sex offender information
Requirement for certification of public school athletic coaches in cardiopulmonary resuscitation - use of automated external defibrillators - definitions
Safe2tell program
Incentives for school enrollment or attendance - prohibited - exceptions - definitions
Comprehensive human sexuality education - legislative declaration - definitions - guidelines and content standards
Instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of automated external defibrillators - grants - definitions - rules
Instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of automated external defibrillators - guidelines and content standards - definition
Notice to parents of alleged criminal conduct by school employees - legislative declaration - definitions
Online instruction - student protections - short title - definitions
Seizure safe schools - action plan - training - rules - short title - definitions
Prohibition on use of American Indian mascots - exemptions - definitions
Hunter education course - gifts, grants, or donations - definitions
Terms and conditions in public school contracts - definitions
Nondisclosure agreements - protection of school district, board of cooperative services, and public school employees - definitions
Student identification cards - information required
Information collected and posted on department website
Accessible district profile reports - school climate reports and surveys - reporting - definition
Corporal punishment prohibited - definition
Legal representation - due process complaints - appointments - report - definitions - repeal
Tribal regalia at school graduation ceremonies - definitions
Harassment or discrimination - policy required - training and notification - definitions
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2025

§ 22-1-104’s source at colorado​.gov