C.R.S. Section 22-45-101

As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:


“Board of education” or “board” means the governing body authorized by law to administer the affairs of any school district.


“Capital outlay expenditures” means those expenditures that result in the acquisition of fixed assets or additions to fixed assets that the board anticipates will have benefits for more than one year. They are expenditures, whether by purchase or lease, for land or existing buildings, improvements of grounds, construction of buildings, additions to buildings, software licensing agreements, or initial, additional, or replacement equipment. Equipment shall include, but not be limited to, those items set forth in the financial policies and procedures handbook authorized in section 22-44-203.


“Eligible elector” means an elector who has complied with the registration provisions of article 2 of title 1, C.R.S., and who resides within the jurisdiction of the political subdivision calling the election.


“Instructional capital outlay” includes those expenditures which result in the acquisition of fixed assets for instructional purposes, or additions thereto, which the board of education anticipates will have benefits for more than one year.


“Instructional supplies and materials” includes, but is not limited to, supplies, textbooks, library books, periodicals, warehouse inventory adjustment, and other supplies and materials.


“School district” or “district” means a school district or a local college district organized and existing pursuant to law.

Source: Section 22-45-101 — Definitions, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-22.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 22-45-101’s source at colorado​.gov