C.R.S. Section 22-45-103


The following funds are created for each school district for purposes specified in this article 45.


General fund.


All revenues, except those revenues attributable to the bond redemption fund, the capital reserve fund, the special building and technology fund, a fund created solely for the management of risk-related activities, and any other fund authorized by this section or by the state board of education, as provided in subsection (2) of this section, shall be accounted for in the general fund. Any lawful expenditure of the school district, including any expenditure of a nature that could be made from any fund, may be made from the general fund. All expenditures from the general fund shall be recorded therein.


Moneys allocated pursuant to the provisions of section 22-54-105 (1) shall be recorded in the instructional supplies and materials account, the instructional capital outlay account, and the other instructional purposes account in the general fund. Expenditures from the instructional supplies and materials account shall be limited to instructional supplies and materials, expenditures from the instructional capital outlay account shall be limited to instructional capital outlay, and expenditures from the other instructional purposes account shall be limited to other instructional purposes. Moneys in such accounts may not be expended for any other purpose. Moneys may be transferred among the three accounts but may not be transferred to any other account in the general fund or to any other fund of the school district. Any moneys in such accounts which are not projected to be expended during a budget year shall be budgeted for the purposes set forth in this subparagraph (II) in the next budget year. Nothing in this subparagraph (II) shall be construed to require that interest on moneys in such accounts be specifically allocated to such accounts.




Moneys collected pursuant to section 22-32-109.8 (9) shall be credited to the fingerprint processing account. Moneys in said account shall be used for the purposes set forth in section 22-32-109.8 and may not be expended by the district for any other purpose; however, moneys in said account shall not be used for the purposes of section 22-32-109.8 (6). Any moneys in said account which are not expended during a budget year shall be carried forward and budgeted for the purposes set forth in section 22-32-109.8 in the next budget year.


The revenues from a tax levied pursuant to section 22-40-109 shall be credited to the school facilities account. Moneys in said account shall be used for the purposes set forth in section 22-40-109 and may not be expended by the district for any other purpose. Any moneys remaining in the account at the end of any fiscal year shall remain in the account and may be budgeted in the next fiscal year.




Bond redemption fund.


The revenues from a tax levy for the purpose of satisfying bonded indebtedness obligations, both principal and interest, shall be recorded in the bond redemption fund, which shall be administered by at least one third-party custodian designated by the school district as provided in subparagraph (V) of this paragraph (b), unless the school district meets one of the exceptions specified in subparagraph (VI) or (VII) of this paragraph (b). The bond redemption fund may include more than one subsidiary account for which a separate tax levy is made to satisfy the obligations of bonded indebtedness, including a separate tax levy to satisfy the obligations of bonded indebtedness incurred by a former school district. The revenues from each separate tax levy shall be held in trust for the purpose of satisfying the obligations of the bonded indebtedness for which the tax levy was made; except that revenues, if any, remaining to the credit of a separate subsidiary account after satisfaction of all such obligations of that subsidiary account may be transferred to another subsidiary account in the same fund.


The revenues from a tax levy for the purpose of making payments for which the district is obligated under an installment purchase agreement or under a lease or rental agreement having a term of more than one year, which has been approved at an election pursuant to section 22-32-127 (2), for the purpose of obtaining the use of real property or equipment for school sites, buildings, or structures or for any school purpose authorized by law shall also be recorded in the bond redemption fund. Subsidiary accounts may be established if separate tax levies are made for different installment purchase agreements, or for different lease or rental agreements, and the revenues in such accounts may be expended and treated in the same manner as revenues from a tax levy to satisfy bonded indebtedness obligations.


Nothing in subparagraph (II) of this paragraph (b) or in section 22-32-127 shall be construed to authorize a school district to make any levy for its bond redemption fund, or to use any moneys in its bond redemption fund, to make payments with regard to any installment purchase agreement or lease or rental agreement with an option to purchase which has not been approved at an election.


Moneys in the bond redemption fund shall be used only for the payment of principal and interest on obligations of the school district having a term greater than one year and approved at an election, which obligations constitute an indebtedness of the school district. Whenever the issuance of refunding bonds or other refunding obligations of the district results in moneys on deposit in the bond redemption fund which are not needed to satisfy the principal and interest obligations of the district as they become due, such moneys shall be used to reduce the levy for the bond redemption fund in future years or to pay any then existing obligations of the district payable from the bond redemption fund at a date earlier than they become due.


Except as otherwise provided in subparagraph (VI) or (VII) of this paragraph (b), on or before July 1, 2003, each school district shall select at least one commercial bank or depository trust company that has full trust powers, is located within the state of Colorado, and is a member of the federal deposit insurance corporation to act as a third-party custodian to administer the school district’s bond redemption fund. A school district may select multiple third-party custodians to administer the district’s bond redemption fund, so long as each custodian selected meets the requirements for a custodian specified in this subparagraph (V). The custodian shall be responsible for making payments from the bond redemption fund as provided by law. The custodian, with the agreement of the school district, may withdraw any or all of the moneys in the bond redemption fund that are temporarily not needed to satisfy the school district’s obligations, for purposes of depositing or investing the moneys in any investments permitted by law.


A school district is not required to designate a third-party custodian to administer the school district’s bond redemption fund if the county treasurer keeps the funds and accounts of the school district as provided in section 22-40-104. A school district is not required to designate a third-party custodian to administer any portion of the school district’s bond redemption fund that consists of revenues received from bonds or other obligations for which the school district has given notice to the state treasurer that it will not accept payment by the state treasurer on behalf of the school district as provided in section 22-41-110 (1)(a).


A school district is not required to select a commercial bank or depository trust company that has full trust powers to administer the school district’s bond redemption fund if the school district places the funds in an escrow account with a financial institution eligible to receive public deposits, pursuant to escrow instructions which are acceptable to the state treasurer. At a minimum, the escrow instructions shall include provisions prohibiting payment or transfer of the funds to the school district without the state treasurer’s prior written consent.


Capital reserve fund.


Moneys allocated pursuant to the provisions of section 22-54-105 (2) shall be transferred from the general fund and recorded in the capital reserve fund along with the revenues received pursuant to section 39-5-132, C.R.S. Such revenues may be supplemented by gifts, grants, and donations. Unencumbered moneys in the fund may be transferred to a fund or an account within the general fund established in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles solely for the management of risk-related activities as identified in section 24-10-115, C.R.S., and article 13 of title 29, C.R.S., by resolution of the board of education when such transfer is deemed necessary by the board; except that a local board of education may, in its discretion, transfer any unrestricted moneys into or out of the capital reserve fund in the 2009-10 budget year or any budget year thereafter. Nothing in this subparagraph (I) shall be construed to prohibit a local board of education from transferring unrestricted moneys from the general fund or any other fund to the capital reserve fund in the 2009-10 budget year or any budget year thereafter. Except as provided in subparagraph (V) of this paragraph (c), expenditures from the fund shall be limited to long-range capital outlay expenditures and shall be made only for the following purposes:


Any acquisition of land, improvements, construction of structures or addition to existing structures, and acquisition of equipment and furnishings;


and (C)(Deleted by amendment, L. 2000, p. 520, § 5, effective August 2, 2000.)(D) Alterations and improvements to existing structures;


Acquisition of a school vehicle, as defined in section 42-1-102 (88.5), C.R.S., or other equipment, except equipment specified in sub-subparagraph (H) of this subparagraph (I);


Any installment purchase agreements or lease agreements with an option to purchase for a period not to exceed twenty years and any lease agreement without the option to purchase entered into by a school district or a charter school;


Any software licensing agreement;


Acquisition of computer equipment.


Expenditures from the fund, other than for installment purchase agreements with an option to purchase, as provided in subparagraph (II.5) of this paragraph (c), shall be authorized by a resolution adopted by the board of education of a school district at any regular or special meeting of the board. The resolution shall specifically set forth the purpose of the expenditure, the estimated total cost of the project, the location of the structure to be constructed, added to, altered, or repaired, a description of any school vehicles or equipment to be purchased, and where such equipment will be installed.


A board of education may enter into an installment purchase agreement or lease agreement with option to purchase for a period exceeding one year and not to exceed twenty years for expenditures from the fund if the agreement is first approved by a majority of the eligible electors of the district voting on the question at an election held pursuant to this subparagraph (II.5). The board of education may submit to the eligible electors of the district the question of whether to enter into such an agreement at any general election, regular biennial school election, or special election called for such purpose. The secretary of the board of education shall be the designated election official and shall conduct the election pursuant to articles 1 to 13 of title 1, C.R.S. Any special election called pursuant to this subparagraph (II.5) shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in February, May, October, November, or December. The question of whether to enter into an installment agreement or lease agreement with option to purchase may be submitted or resubmitted after the same, or after any other such question, has previously been rejected at an election held pursuant to this subparagraph (II.5), but no such question shall be submitted or resubmitted at any election held less than one hundred twenty days after a previous submission of such question, and the board of education of any school district shall not submit any question of entering into such an agreement at more than two elections within any twelve-month period. The board of education of a school district may enter into an installment purchase agreement or lease agreement with option to purchase for a term not to exceed twenty years for the purposes provided for in sub-subparagraph (F) of subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (c). When authorized by the election as provided in this subparagraph (II.5), the agreement shall be valid, binding, and enforceable between the parties to the agreement. The provisions of this subparagraph (II.5) shall have no application to any installment purchase agreement or lease agreement with option to purchase, even though the term thereof may be greater than one year, if the district’s obligation to make payments thereunder is expressly subject to the making of annual appropriations therefor in accordance with law. This subparagraph (II.5) shall have no application to any lease agreement with option to purchase for a period of one year or less, including lease agreements consisting of a series of one-year terms renewable at the option of the district.


Any balance remaining upon the completion of any authorized project may be encumbered for future projects which are authorized as provided in this paragraph (c).


The revenues from a tax levied pursuant to section 22-40-110 shall be credited to the capital reserve fund. Moneys in said fund shall be used for the purposes set forth in section 22-40-110 and may not be expended by the district for any other purpose. Any moneys remaining in the fund at the end of any fiscal year shall remain in the fund and may be budgeted in the next fiscal year.


Upon receipt from a school district of an accounting of any expenditures made or moneys encumbered for the purchase of new textbooks in the 2002-03 budget year, including copies of invoices, contracts, or other documentation of the amount and purpose of the expenditures or encumbrances, the department of education may allow the school district to expend moneys from the district’s capital reserve fund during the 2002-03 and 2003-04 budget years to offset the elimination of additional moneys that the district would have received in the 2002-03 budget year pursuant to section 22-54-105 (1)(b)(III) to purchase new textbooks; except that any expenditure of moneys from the fund made pursuant to this subparagraph (V) shall be limited to the amount of moneys the district has expended or encumbered as of January 31, 2003, for the purchase of new textbooks.


Special building and technology fund.


The revenues from a tax levy for the purpose of acquiring, maintaining, or constructing schools or for the purchase and installation of instructional and informational technology shall be recorded in the special building and technology fund to remain in the custody of the treasurer of any district that has elected under law to withdraw its funds from the custody of the county treasurer or, in any other case, to the treasurer of the county in which the district is located and may be invested or deposited by such district or county treasurer pursuant to the provisions of sections 24-75-601.1, 24-75-602, and 24-75-603, C.R.S. Expenditures from the fund shall be limited to acquiring land; acquiring or constructing structures; maintaining structures to enhance their function, protect their value, and extend their economic life; and purchasing and installing instructional and informational technology, including expenditures for software and staff training related to the new technology.


Expenditures from the fund shall be authorized by a resolution adopted by the board of education of a school district at any regular or special meeting of the board. The resolution shall specifically set forth the purpose of the expenditure, the estimated total cost of the project, and the location of the land to be acquired, the structure to be acquired or constructed, or the nature of the building security technology or instructional and informational technology to be acquired. Such resolution shall constitute authorization to the treasurer of any district that has elected under law to withdraw its funds from the custody of the county treasurer or, in any other case, to the treasurer of the county in which the district is located for application of the funds under his or her control to the specified expenditure.


Any balance remaining upon the completion of any authorized project may be encumbered for future projects that are authorized as provided in this paragraph (d).


Any moneys in the fund that have not been authorized for expenditure within three years after being recorded in the fund shall revert to the capital reserve fund.


Risk management reserves.
Moneys allocated pursuant to the provisions of section 22-54-105 (2) shall be recorded in a fund or in an account within the general fund established in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles solely for the management of risk-related activities as identified in section 24-10-115, C.R.S., and article 13 of title 29, C.R.S. Unencumbered moneys in such fund or account may be transferred to the capital reserve fund or to any other fund or account established solely for the management of risk-related activities by resolution of the board of education when such transfer is deemed necessary by the board; except that a local board of education may, in its discretion, transfer any unrestricted moneys into or out of such fund or account in the 2009-10 budget year or any budget year thereafter. Expenditures from any such fund or account shall be limited to the purposes set forth in section 24-10-115, C.R.S., and article 13 of title 29, C.R.S. Nothing in this paragraph (e) shall be construed to prohibit a local board of education from transferring unrestricted moneys from the general fund or any other fund to a fund or account for the management of risk-related activities in the 2009-10 budget year or any budget year thereafter.


Transportation fund.
The revenues from a tax levied or fee imposed for the purpose of paying excess transportation costs, as authorized pursuant to the provisions of section 22-40-102 (1.7) or the provisions of section 22-32-113 (5), and revenues received from the state pursuant to the provisions of section 22-51-102 (4) shall be deposited in the transportation fund of the district. Expenditures from the fund shall be limited to payment of transportation costs as authorized in the budget of the district. Any moneys remaining in the fund at the end of any fiscal year shall remain in the fund and shall be used to reduce the levy for transportation costs in future years.




Full-day kindergarten fund.


The revenues from a tax levied pursuant to section 22-54-108.5 for the purpose of paying excess full-day kindergarten program costs shall be deposited in the full-day kindergarten fund of the district. Expenditures from the fund shall be limited to payment of excess full-day kindergarten program costs as authorized in the budget of the district. Any moneys remaining in the fund at the end of any fiscal year shall remain in the fund and shall be used to reduce the levy for excess full-day kindergarten program costs in future years.


The revenues from a tax levied pursuant to section 22-54-108.5 to meet the capital construction needs associated with a district’s full-day kindergarten program shall be credited to the capital construction account in the district’s full-day kindergarten fund. Moneys in the account shall be used to meet the district’s capital construction needs associated with the full-day kindergarten program and may not be expended by the district for any other purpose. Any moneys remaining in the account at the end of any fiscal year shall remain in the account and may be budgeted in the next fiscal year.


Supplemental capital construction, technology, and maintenance fund.
The revenue from a tax levied pursuant to section 22-54-108.7 for the purpose of providing ongoing cash funding for the capital construction, new technology, existing technology upgrade, and maintenance needs of a school district, and no other money other than interest and income credited to the fund pursuant to this paragraph (j), shall be deposited in the supplemental capital construction, technology, and maintenance fund of the district. The district may expend money from the fund only for the purpose of providing cash funding for capital construction, new technology, existing technology upgrade, and maintenance needs of the district and may not pledge any money in the fund for the repayment of any existing or new borrowing. All interest and income derived from the deposit and investment of money in the supplemental capital construction, technology, and maintenance fund shall be credited to the fund.


Total program reserve fund.


A school district shall deposit the property tax revenues that it collects from a tax levy imposed pursuant to section 22-54-107 (5) in the total program reserve fund of the district. The district may expend money from the total program reserve fund only to offset the amount of a reduction in the district’s state share caused by application of the budget stabilization factor pursuant to section 22-54-104 (5)(g); except that, in a budget year in which the school district levies for its total program the number of mills calculated pursuant to section 22-54-106 (2)(a)(II), (2.1)(b)(I)(C), or (2.1)(c)(I), whichever is applicable, if the balance of the total program reserve fund exceeds an amount equal to the district’s total program for that budget year multiplied by the budget stabilization factor calculated pursuant to section 22-54-104 (5)(g) for that budget year, the district may expend the amount of the excess balance. Any money remaining in the fund at the end of a fiscal year must remain in the fund and may be used in future years only as provided in this subsection (1)(k).




The state board of education may authorize by regulation additional funds not provided for in this section, together with proper accounting procedures for the same.


Each school district shall ensure that the district holds unrestricted general fund or cash fund emergency reserves in the amount required under the provisions of section 20 (5) of article X of the state constitution; except that a district may designate property owned by the district as all or a portion of the required reserve in accordance with section 22-44-105 (1)(c.5).

Source: Section 22-45-103 — Funds, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-22.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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§ 22-45-103’s source at colorado​.gov