C.R.S. Section 22-5-104
Creation of board of cooperative services

  • meetings


Whenever the boards of education of two or more school districts or the board of education of a school district and the governing board or governing agency of a postsecondary institution desire to establish a board of cooperative services for the purpose of providing cooperative services as set forth in this article and have so certified to the commissioner of education and other interested boards by appropriate resolution, the presidents of any two of the interested boards may call a meeting of the duly appointed representatives of the interested boards. The interested boards shall seek from the commissioner of education and the state board for community colleges and occupational education any aid and assistance that may be reasonably required, to the end that a proper plan of organization for the board of cooperative services shall be accomplished. At this meeting the boards which have previously and respectively adopted resolutions so authorizing may enter into a proposed agreement to form a board of cooperative services, which proposed agreement shall set forth the names of the participating districts and postsecondary institutions and such other items as may be required. The participating school districts and postsecondary institutions may then proceed to form the board of cooperative services.


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At a subsequent meeting, the boards which have approved participation in a board of cooperative services shall agree upon the number of members which are to compose the cooperative board; except that there shall be no less than five members, and each participating board shall be entitled to at least one member on the board of cooperative services.


Each participating board of education of a school district shall then appoint its assigned number of representatives, and one alternate for each, from its membership; except that, if the board of cooperative services consists of a single school district and a single postsecondary institution, the board of education may appoint its representatives, and one alternate for each, from its membership or it may appoint the superintendent of the school district as one of its assigned number of representatives. The term of office of any member representing a board of education of a school district who is also a member of the board of education shall have the same expiration date as the term which the member is serving on the board of education at the time of appointment to the board of cooperative services. The term of office of any school district superintendent who is appointed to represent the board of education of a school district shall not exceed three years; except that, if the superintendent ceases to be an employee of the school district while serving on the board of cooperative services, a vacancy shall exist on the board of cooperative services.


Each participating governing board or governing agency of a postsecondary institution shall then appoint its assigned number of representatives, and one alternate for each, from its membership or the governing board or governing agency may appoint the chief executive officer of such postsecondary institution as one of its assigned number of representatives. The term of office of each member representing a governing board or governing agency of a postsecondary institution shall not exceed three years; except that, if any member of a board of cooperative services who represents a governing board or governing agency of a postsecondary institution ceases to be a member of such governing board or governing agency or the chief executive officer of such postsecondary institution, a vacancy shall exist on the board of cooperative services.


As a term of office expires a replacement to the board of cooperative services shall be appointed by the participating board within thirty days after the expiration date. When other vacancies occur, they shall be filled by appointment by the respective boards within thirty days from the date on which the vacancy occurs.


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Upon agreement of all of the boards participating in a board of cooperative services, one member of the board of cooperative services may be jointly appointed by the participating boards from the public at large; however, such member shall reside in the area served by the board of cooperative services. The term of office of such member shall not exceed three years. As the term of office of such member expires, a replacement to the board of cooperative services shall be jointly appointed by the participating boards within thirty days after the expiration date.


In addition to the member appointed pursuant to subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (e), the participating boards of a board of cooperative services consisting of a single school district and a single postsecondary institution may jointly appoint up to four members of the board of cooperative services from the public at large. A member so appointed shall reside in the area served by the board of cooperative services. The term of office of a member so appointed shall not exceed three years. As the term of office of a member appointed pursuant to this subparagraph (II) expires, a replacement to the board of cooperative services may be jointly appointed by the participating boards within thirty days after the expiration date.


The agreement to establish a board of cooperative services may be amended to admit one or more additional school districts or postsecondary institutions if the board of the school district or postsecondary institution seeking admission shall certify by resolution a desire to be admitted to membership in the board of cooperative services and if the board of cooperative services by resolution agrees to the admission of the school district or postsecondary institution.


A board of cooperative services shall meet at least quarterly. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of those members serving on a board of cooperative services. In the absence of a regular member, the alternate, if present, may be counted toward the required quorum and assume the prerogatives of the regular member.


A board of cooperative services may adopt a policy authorizing board members to attend and participate in regular or special meetings electronically, including participating by using video or audio conferencing technology that will allow members of the board to view or hear each other during the meeting and fully participate in the discussion and in voting; except that the board members shall gather in one physical location for at least one of the quarterly meetings held each year. The policy must address the method by which members of the public are allowed access to any video or audio conference of the board of cooperative services that is conducted pursuant to this subsection (5). In addition, the policy must specify any agenda items that the board of cooperative services may not consider during any video or audio conference conducted pursuant to this subsection (5). A quorum exists at any video or audio conference held pursuant to this subsection (5) if the number of members participating in the video or audio conference equals the number necessary for a quorum pursuant to subsection (4) of this section.

Source: Section 22-5-104 — Creation of board of cooperative services - meetings, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-22.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

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§ 22-5-104’s source at colorado​.gov