C.R.S. Section 22-5-118
Implementation and financing of regional education and support services

  • plan
  • annual report


The general assembly recognizes that the increasing number of students, the desire to reduce school districts’ reliance on property taxes, the need to consolidate services rather than schools, and the limitations on state revenues require the boards of cooperative services to develop the highest possible efficiencies and most economic methods for school districts to deliver education and support services. The general assembly further recognizes that it is essential to assist school districts in providing educational services with the maximum economies of scale without violating the principle of local control. The general assembly therefore declares that using boards of cooperative services to assist in delivering education and support services furthers a valid public purpose and promotes a commitment to achieving efficiencies and economies in providing educational services.


Beginning fiscal year 1996-97 and for fiscal years thereafter, in addition to any state moneys received pursuant to section 22-5-115, a board of cooperative services may receive state moneys by submitting to the department of education a plan for the provision of education and support services programs, as specified in this section. Any amount appropriated to fund any education or support services program pursuant to this section shall be distributed by the department of education to each board of cooperative services that submits a plan. The amount appropriated shall be divided equally based on the total number of students enrolled in the member school districts of the participating boards and distributed based on the number of students participating in the funded education or support services program from each member school district of each participating board.


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To receive funds under this section, a board of cooperative services, in cooperation with its participating school districts, the department of education, the Colorado commission on higher education, the state board for community colleges and occupational education, and postsecondary institutions, shall prepare and submit a plan to increase efficiencies and economies in providing education and support services to the board’s participating school districts.


Each plan shall include but is not limited to measures concerning:


The enhancement of student achievement and instruction through cooperative research and development, the continuous upgrading of standards and assessment techniques, and the establishment of a regional curriculum center;


Staff development and training programs;


The development of improved communications through such methods as communications technology, distance learning, and media assistance;


The use of federal and state categorical funds and the distribution and delivery of federal block grant moneys;


Data processing;


Agreements to act as a regional administrative unit for transportation, cooperative purchasing, and other noninstructional support services, as may be appropriate;


Agreements pertaining to the board’s operations, if any, as a school food authority, pursuant to section 22-5-120; and


Cooperative programs for students who are at risk of suspension or expulsion.


A board of cooperative services may contract with a school district that is not a member of the board of cooperative services to provide to the school district any of the services specified in the plan developed pursuant to this section.


The general assembly may appropriate moneys to the department of education for distribution to boards of cooperative services as provided in this section. Any moneys appropriated shall be in addition to any moneys appropriated pursuant to section 22-5-115.


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By July 1 of each year, each board of cooperative services that receives moneys pursuant to this section shall submit a report to the department of education concerning the programs and services funded by moneys received pursuant to this section.




The state board may adopt rules for the implementation of this section.

Source: Section 22-5-118 — Implementation and financing of regional education and support services - plan - annual report, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-22.­pdf (accessed Dec. 24, 2024).

Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2025

§ 22-5-118’s source at colorado​.gov