C.R.S. Section 24-46.3-501
Legislative declaration


The general assembly finds and declares that:


The state workforce development council selected energy as a target industry for career pathway systems development;


The selection of energy as a target industry for career pathway systems development is in alignment with the statewide goal to position Colorado as a leader in the clean energy economy by setting a path to reach one hundred percent renewable energy for the electric grid by 2040;


The federal government has indicated its intent to take aggressive action on climate change by rejoining the Paris climate agreement, achieving a carbon-pollution-free power sector by 2035, and ensuring the United States is on a path to a net-zero economy by 2050;


In passing House Bill 19-1261, the general assembly established statewide, science-based greenhouse gas emissions reductions goals of at least twenty-six percent by 2025, fifty percent by 2030, and ninety percent by 2050, of emissions levels from 2005;


The Colorado energy office, Colorado department of public health and environment, Colorado department of transportation, Colorado department of natural resources, and Colorado department of agriculture released the “Greenhouse Gas Pollution Reduction Roadmap” in January of 2021 to establish a statewide strategy for each sector to meet the greenhouse gas reduction targets specified in House Bill 19-1261;


The Colorado energy office released the “Colorado Electric Vehicle Plan 2020” to guide a large-scale transition of the state’s transportation system to zero-emission vehicles, including a goal of nine hundred forty thousand electric vehicles on our roads by 2030 and nearly one hundred percent of all vehicles by 2050;


The Colorado air quality control commission adopted the zero-emission vehicle rule, establishing the Colorado zero-emission vehicle program to increase the availability of electric vehicles in the state, which will require additional investment in electric vehicle charging systems;


Additionally, more than fifty local jurisdictions throughout the state have adopted the 2018 international energy conservation code to help existing buildings adapt to new technologies and improve energy efficiencies in new construction;


These federal and state commitments to address the climate crisis will lead to significant investments in the energy sector, which will require a diverse and well-trained workforce;


Further, launching regional energy partnerships will create a foundation of strong industry leadership, collaboration, and investment to support an industry-driven energy sector career pathway;


In 2019, there were sixty-two thousand four hundred twenty full-time clean energy employees in Colorado. Between 2014 and 2019 there was a fifteen percent growth in all energy jobs in Colorado, and these jobs are projected to grow another nine percent from 2019 to 2024.


The state median hourly earnings for clean energy occupations in Colorado provides an above-average living wage;


Money to provide training under the SPARC program should prioritize individuals directly impacted by job loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic or due to an industry decline since January 1, 2019;


Further, Black communities, indigenous communities, communities of color, and low-income communities have endured the environmental impacts of polluting industries within their communities for many years; and


Therefore, while Colorado begins to work toward equity and environmental justice, these populations and communities should be prioritized for training within the energy sector career pathway.


Therefore, the general assembly declares that the creation of an industry-driven energy sector career pathway pursuant to section 24-46.3-104, implemented and supported through the SPARC program created in this part 5, is a significant step toward establishing Colorado as a leader in the clean energy economy, providing high-quality education and training, creating high-paying jobs, and protecting Colorado’s environment.

Source: Section 24-46.3-501 — Legislative declaration, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-24.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

State work force development council - creation - membership - funding through gifts, grants, and donations
Transfer of functions
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Career pathways - design - legislative declaration - definitions
Career - education - training - planning and exploration - online platform - report - repeal
Legislative declaration
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Annual report
Legislative declaration
Strengthening photovoltaic and renewable careers (SPARC) workforce development program - creation - use of funds
Reporting requirements
SPARC program fund - creation - appropriations from the fund
Repeal of part
Short title
Investments in reskilling, upskilling, and next-skilling workers program - creation
Funding for program
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Evaluation - grant-funded projects and programs - statewide innovation initiatives
Repeal of part
Green check means up to date. Up to date

Current through Fall 2024

§ 24-46.3-501’s source at colorado​.gov