C.R.S. Section 24-48.5-129
Outdoor recreation industry office

  • creation
  • duties
  • legislative declaration


Intentionally left blank —Ed.


The general assembly hereby finds and declares that:


Colorado’s outdoor recreation industry is vital to Colorado’s diverse economy and the general welfare of Coloradans;


The continued growth and health of the outdoor recreation economy requires the state’s coordination, promotion, and support;


Colorado’s natural beauty, including twenty-two million acres of public land, one hundred five thousand three hundred forty-four miles of rivers, six hundred ninety peaks over thirteen thousand feet high, as well as prairies, mountain valleys, and desert canyons, form the backbone of the outdoor recreation industry and provide diverse recreation opportunities that improve Coloradans’ health, enhance Coloradans’ quality of life, and strengthen Colorado’s economy;


Since the governor formed the outdoor recreation industry office in the office of economic development in 2015, the outdoor recreation industry office has:


Coordinated resources and industry promotion and informed policy;


Engaged federal, tribal, state, and local governments and economic development organizations to attract, retain, and expand businesses and market the outdoor recreation economy;


Promoted workforce training programs, skill mastery, and lifelong learning opportunities; and


Facilitated public-private partnerships to enhance public outdoor recreational access, infrastructure improvements, and conservation efforts;


Colorado’s outdoor recreation industry office supports and grows the economic value of Colorado’s natural assets, which draw millions of visitors each year, generate billions of dollars in tax revenue, and employ over half a million Coloradans; and


Colorado’s outdoor recreation industry builds the economy in lesser-known ways, such as aiding employee recruitment and retention, driving development near recreation opportunities, fostering product manufacturing and entrepreneurialism, attracting telecommuters and retirees, and bringing high-tech and advanced industries to Colorado.


The general assembly, therefore, declares it to be the policy of Colorado to continue to:


Cultivate and promote the state’s coordinated development of the outdoor recreation industry in Colorado;


Protect and conserve our public lands, waters, air, and climate; and


Partner with the outdoor recreation industry to ensure that the industry serves as a good steward of Colorado’s unique natural beauty and assets.


The general assembly further finds and declares that the state must partner with the outdoor industry to promote efforts that increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in the outdoors and must ensure all Coloradans can partake in and benefit from Colorado’s many outdoor recreation opportunities.


The general assembly further finds and declares that cultivation and development of the outdoor recreation industry requires a unified and collaborative statewide effort, and the outdoor recreation industry office, as codified by this section shall, to the extent possible, serve as the state’s primary coordinating body to work with relevant federal, state, and local governments and nongovernmental organizations to promote and support the outdoor recreation industry.


The outdoor recreation industry office is hereby created within the office of economic development. The director of the outdoor recreation industry office is designated by and shall report to the director of the office of economic development.


The outdoor recreation industry office shall:


Serve as Colorado’s central coordinator of outdoor recreation industry matters, which includes resource development, industry promotion, and connection with the constituents, businesses, and communities that rely on the health of Colorado’s outdoor recreation economy;


Make recommendations that inform the governor’s policy on outdoor recreation industry matters, including policy on business issues unique to the outdoor recreation industry;


Coordinate and support the outdoor recreation industry in Colorado by promoting economic development, conservation, stewardship, education, workforce training, and public health and wellness; and


Address the chronic and systemic inequities that prevent underserved youth and communities from engaging in meaningful outdoor recreation experiences and career pathways in the outdoor recreation industry.

Source: Section 24-48.5-129 — Outdoor recreation industry office - creation - duties - legislative declaration, https://leg.­colorado.­gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2023-title-24.­pdf (accessed Oct. 20, 2023).

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Current through Fall 2024

§ 24-48.5-129’s source at colorado​.gov